/*globals ObjectRow,Environment,sqlFun,AutoIncrementColumn,DataRowState */
* Manages data storing
* @module PostData
/* jshint -W116 */
const dsSpace = require('./../client/components/metadata/jsDataSet');
const DataSet = dsSpace.DataSet;
* {DataRow}
const DataRow = dsSpace.DataRow;
const DataTable = dsSpace.DataTable;
const jsMultiSelect = require('./jsMultiSelect');
const DataAccess = require('./jsDataAccess').DataAccess;
const Select = jsMultiSelect.Select;
const isolationLevels = require('./jsDataAccess').isolationLevels;
const dataRowState = dsSpace.dataRowState;
const _ = require('lodash');
/* {Deferred} */
const Deferred = require("JQDeferred");
const async = require('async');
* Manages a cache of select max done in a transaction
* @class MaxCacher
* @method MaxCacher
* @param {DataAccess} conn
* @param {Environment} environment
* @constructor
function MaxCacher(conn,environment){
* Cache of all calculated max
* @property {object} allMax
* @private
this.allMax = {};
/* {DataAccess} */
this.conn = conn;
/* {SqlFormatter} */
this.formatter = conn.getFormatter();
/* {Environment} */
this.environment= environment;
MaxCacher.prototype = {
constructor: MaxCacher
* Gets a hash to retrieve a select max
* @method getHash
* @private
* @param {string} table
* @param {string} column
* @param {sqlFun} filter
* @param {sqlFun} expr
MaxCacher.prototype.getHash = function(table, column,filter,expr){
return table+'§'+ column+'§'+this.formatter.conditionToSql(filter, this.environment)+'§'+
* Get the max for an expression eventually getting it from cache or giving null if reasonably there is no row
* on that match the filter
* If there is no selector, then the result can be taken from cache if a query with same parameters has already
* be done.
* @method getMax
* @param {ObjectRow} r objectRow for which evaluate the max
* @param {string} column column to evaluate
* @param {string[]} selectors //selector fields for the calculation
* @param {sqlFun} filter //filter to apply
* @param {sqlFun} expr //expression to evaluate
* @return {Promise<int>}
MaxCacher.prototype.getMax = function (r, column, selectors, filter, expr) {
const def = Deferred(),
that = this,
table = r.getRow().table,
k = this.getHash(table.name, column, filter, expr);
if (this.allMax[k]){
return def.promise();
const keySelectors = _.intersection(selectors, table.key()); //fields both key and selector
if (keySelectors.length > 0) {
if (_.find(table.dataset.relationsByChild[table.name], function (parentRel) {
const parentRows = parentRel.getParents(r);
if (parentRows.length !== 1) {
return false;
const parentRow = parentRows[0];
if (parentRow.getRow().state !== dataRowState.added) {
return false;
return ( _(_.intersection(parentRel.childCols, keySelectors))
.map(function (col) {
return parentRel.parentCols[_.indexOf(parentRel.childCols, col)];
.find(function (parentCol) {
return table.dataset.tables[parentRel.parentTable].autoIncrement(parentCol) !== undefined;
}) !== undefined);
})) {
//if such a relation is found, return null to mean that there is no row on db satisfying that condition,
// so the max can be evaluated basing on in-memory informations (for example a cached value)
return def.promise();
this.conn.readSingleValue({tableName: table.name, expr:expr, filter:filter, environment:this.environment})
if (res===undefined){
that.allMax[k]=res; //put the result in cache
return def.promise();
* @param {ObjectRow} r
* @param {string} column
* @param {sqlFun} filter
* @param {sqlFun} expr
* @param {object} value
MaxCacher.prototype.setMax = function (r, column, filter, expr, value) {
this.allMax[this.getHash(r.getRow().table.name, column, filter, expr)] = value;
* Saves a single DataSet using a given DataAccess
* @class PostData
* @method PostData
* @constructor
function SinglePostData(){
this.changedRows = [];
SinglePostData.prototype = {
constructor: SinglePostData
* This function is called before and after applying changes to db.
* The first time is called with post=false and the second time with post=true.
* Should give a list of messages to return to client. If it does return an empty array, the transaction is committed.
* If it does return some rows, those are merged and returned to client, and transaction is roll-backed.
* if canIgnore is false in the first call, the procedure terminates and no data is written at all
* This is meant to be replaced or overridden in derived classes
* @param {DataSet} ds
* @param {Context} context
* @return {Promise<SinglePostData>}
SinglePostData.prototype.init = function ( ds,context){
this.ds = ds;
this.rowChanges = this.getChanges(ds);
this.conn= context.dataAccess;
this.security = context.security;
this.environment = context.environment;
if (this.conn) {
this.sqlConn = this.conn.sqlConn;
return new Deferred().resolve(this).promise();
* Compose a list of all tables that satisfy the checkFunction
* checkFunction is called with 2 parameters: table, list where
* table is the current evaluated DataTable,
* list is a hash of tables already added to list, where the key is the name of the DataTable
* Elements are added to list when checkFunction returns true
* @param {DataSet} d
* @param checkFunction
* @return {DataTable[]}
SinglePostData.prototype.sortTables = function(d, checkFunction){
const result = [];
let keep = true;
let added = new Set();
while (keep){
keep = false;
for(const tName in d.tables){
if (d.tables.hasOwnProperty(tName)){
let t = d.tables[tName];
if (added.has(t.name)|| t.isTemporaryTable){
if (checkFunction(t, added)) {
keep = true;
return result;
* Adds all Rows (of every Tables referred by "Tables")with a specified State to result
* @param {DataTable[]} tables
* @param {DataRowState} state
* @return {ObjectRow[]}
SinglePostData.prototype.tableOps =function ( tables,state){
let result=[];
for(let i=0;i<tables.length;i++){
let t = tables[i];
if (t.isTemporaryTable){
let sorting= t.postingorder;
if (state===dataRowState.deleted || sorting===undefined){
.filter((r) => r.getRow().state === state)
return t.getSortedRows(
t.rows.filter((r) => r.getRow().state === state),
return result;
// /**
// * Returns modified rows of given tables filtering by rowState
// * @method getTableOps
// * @param {DataTable[]} tables
// * @param {DataRowState|string} rowState
// */
// function getTableOps(tables, rowState) {
// return _.reduce(tables, function (list, t) {
// let res = _.filter(t.rows,
// function (r) {
// return (r.getRow().state === rowState);
// }
// );
// if (t.postingOrder) {
// res = _.sortBy(res, t.postingOrder);
// }
// return list.concat(res);
// }, []);
// }
* Evaluates the list of the changes to apply to the DataBase, in the order they should be "reasonably" done:
* All operation on None
* Deletes on Child first, Parent last
* Insert on Parent first, Child last
* Updates on Parent first, Child last
* If a DataTable has a 'postingOrder' property, it is used to sort rows of that table
* @param {DataSet} ds
* @return {ObjectRow[]}
SinglePostData.prototype.getChanges = function(ds) {
const parentFirst = this.sortTables(ds, this.checkNotChild),
childFirst = this.sortTables(ds, this.checkNotParent);
return this.tableOps(childFirst, dataRowState.deleted).concat(
this.tableOps(parentFirst, dataRowState.added),
this.tableOps(parentFirst, dataRowState.modified)
* check if T is not a child of a table, except those parent in toIgnore set and self and those without changes
* @param {DataTable} t
* @param {Set<string>} toIgnore
SinglePostData.prototype.checkNotChild = function(t, toIgnore ) {
let foundRel=t.parentRelations().find(rel=>{
if (rel.parentTable=== t.name || toIgnore.has(rel.parentTable)){
return false;
let parentTable=t.dataset.tables[rel.parentTable];
if (parentTable.isTemporaryTable){
return false;
//external function will return false if there is some not-unchanged row in parentTable
//if parentTable has no change, relation is skipped
//if parentTable has changes, this is actually a dependent child of that
return parentTable.hasChanges();
return (foundRel===undefined);
* check if T is not a parent of a table, except those child in toIgnore set
* @param {DataTable} t
* @param {Set<string>} toIgnore
SinglePostData.prototype.checkNotParent = function(t, toIgnore ) {
let foundRel=t.childRelations().find(rel=>{
if (rel.childTable=== t.name || toIgnore.has(rel.childTable)){
return false;
let childTable=t.dataset.tables[rel.childTable];
if (childTable.isTemporaryTable){
return false;
//external function will return false if there is some child row
//return childTable.hasChanges();
return childTable.rows.length>0;
return (foundRel===undefined);
* Function called with a DataAccess and changedRows as parameters in order to do eventual
* db transaction logging
* This is meant to be replaced or overridden in derived classes
* @param {DataAccess} conn transaction connection
* @return {Deferred}
SinglePostData.prototype.log = function (conn){
return new Deferred().resolve(true).promise();
* function called in order to do eventual additionally updates when it's sure the transaction
* is to be committed, i.e., no check have been raised. This function must
* return an array of checks. If it is empty the transaction is committed otherwise is rollbacked
* This is meant to be replaced or overridden in derived classes
* @param {DataAccess} conn transaction connection
* @param {BusinessLogicResult} results
* @return {Promise<bool>}
SinglePostData.prototype.doUpdate = function (conn, results){
return new Deferred().resolve(true).promise();
* Calculates all autoincrement property of a DataRow r
* @param {ObjectRow} r
* @returns {promise} return true if NO custom autoincrement was found.
* when a custom autoincrement is found, rows are saved one at a time
SinglePostData.prototype.calcAllAutoId = function(r) {
const that = this,
def = Deferred(),
table = r.getRow().table;
if (r.getRow().state !== dataRowState.added){
return def.promise();
_.map(table.getAutoIncrementColumns(), function (col) {
return that.calcAutoId(r, table.autoIncrement(col));
const arr = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
def.resolve(_.every(arr,function(el){return el;}));
return def.promise();
* Gets an array of changed rows and returns a sequence of sql command that does the post.
* @method getSqlStatements
* @param {DataRow[]}changedRows
* @param {OptimisticLocking} optimisticLocking
* @returns {Deferred} Deferred is notified with n sets of (rows,sql) where sql is the sql command used to
* save rows. This is useful if some error is returned, to evaluate messages.
* Saving stops as soon as an error occurs.
SinglePostData.prototype.getSqlStatements = function (changedRows, optimisticLocking){
const def = Deferred(),
that = this;
let internalIndex = 0,
rows = [],
failed = false;
* Evaluates a sql command to save a row and sends
* @param {ObjectRow} preparedRow
* @param {boolean} hasCustomAutoincrement
function sqlMerge(preparedRow, hasCustomAutoincrement){
if (failed){
const cmd = that.conn.getPostCommand(preparedRow, optimisticLocking, that.environment),
errCmd = that.sqlConn.giveErrorNumberDataWasNotWritten(internalIndex);
if (sql) { //sqlConn is a SqlDriver and knows how to concatenate single commands
sql = that.sqlConn.appendCommands([sql, cmd, errCmd]);
} else {
sql = that.sqlConn.appendCommands([cmd, errCmd]);
if (sql.length > that.sqlSizeLimit || hasCustomAutoincrement){
internalIndex = 0;
rows = [];
sql = '';
} else {
internalIndex += 1;
async.eachSeries(changedRows, function(r,callback){
sqlMerge(r, !noCustomAutoincrementFound);
if (err) {
failed = true;
if (rows.length>0){
def.notify(rows, sql);
return def.promise();
* Reads again a row from db
* @method reselect
* @param {ObjectRow} row
* @returns {*}
SinglePostData.prototype.reselect = function(row) {
const table = row.getRow().table;
return this.conn.selectIntoTable({
table: table,
filter: table.keyFilter(row),
environment: this.environment
* Runs a sequence of db commands in order to save an array of rows
* @method physicalPostBatch
* @param {DataAccess} conn
* @param {OptimisticLocking} optimisticLocking
* @returns {*} Resolved promise if all ok, rejected promise if errors
SinglePostData.prototype.physicalPostBatch = function(conn, optimisticLocking){
const def = Deferred(),
that = this;
let sqlCmdLaunched = 0,
sqlCmdRun = 0,
endOfCmdReached = false,
failed = false,
changedRows = this.rowChanges;
//assume the OptimisticLocking present in the DataSet as default for optimisticLocking
optimisticLocking = optimisticLocking || this.ds.optimisticLocking;
function sqlCmdRunner(rows,sql){
const sqlComplete = that.sqlConn.appendCommands([sql, that.sqlConn.giveConstant(-1)]);
sqlCmdLaunched += 1;
if (res === -1){
sqlCmdRun += 1;
if (endOfCmdReached){
if (res <0 || res >= rows.length){
def.reject('internal error running command ' + sqlComplete);
const row = rows[res];
const sqlErrorCmd = that.conn.getPostCommand(row, optimisticLocking, that.environment);
if (row.getRow().state === dataRowState.modified){
def.reject('error running command' + sqlErrorCmd);
def.reject('error running command' + sqlErrorCmd);
} else {
def.reject('error running command' + sqlErrorCmd);
def.reject('Got Error:'+err+' running '+ sqlComplete.substr(0,500));
//sets optimistic locking fields
changedRows.forEach(r => optimisticLocking.prepareForPosting(r,that.environment));
if (that.security) {
changedRows.forEach(r => {
if (that.security.canPost(r.row, that.environment)) {
def.reject("Operation on table "+r.table.name+" is forbidden");
if (failed) return;
that.getSqlStatements(changedRows, optimisticLocking)
.progress(function(rows, sql){
if (failed) {
if (failed) {
if (sqlCmdLaunched=== sqlCmdRun){
if (failed) {
return def.promise();
* Get a sql command to select all changed rows that belongs to view tables. Views are identified as tables
* having a name different from tableForWriting. It's necessary that they have a key to let this method
* consider them.
* @method getSelectAllViews
* @private
* @param {Array.<ObjectRow>} changedRows
* @returns {Array.<Select>}
SinglePostData.prototype.getSelectAllViews = function (changedRows) {
return _.reduce(changedRows, function (list, r) {
if (!r.getRow())return list;
const table = r.getRow().table;
if (table.name === table.tableForWriting()) {
return list;
if (table.key().length === 0) {
return list;
list.push(new Select(_.keys(r))
return list;
}, []);
* Read all changed view rows from db
* @method reselectAllViews
* @returns {*}
SinglePostData.prototype.reselectAllViews = function(){
const def = Deferred();
let selectList;
if (this.rowChanges.length === 0){
return def.promise();
//QUI DEVO CORREGGERE, non sono tutte le righe da rileggere ma solo quelle relative a viste e che hanno
// campi particolari, fare riferimento a ReselectAllViews del c#
selectList = this.getSelectAllViews(this.rowChanges);
this.conn.mergeMultiSelect(selectList, this.ds, this.environment)
return def.promise();
* Calculates an autoincrement column checking that there is no other rows with that key in table
* @method calcAutoId
* @param {ObjectRow} r
* @param {AutoIncrementColumn} autoIncrementProperty ({DataRow} r, {string} columnName, {DataAccess} conn}
* @return {promise} //resolves true if it was a regular auto increment fields, false if it was a custom one
SinglePostData.prototype.calcAutoId = function(r, autoIncrementProperty) {
const that = this,
def = Deferred(),
table = r.getRow().table,
field = autoIncrementProperty.columnName;
///TODO: verificare come operare l'impostazione: se lo fa il client, al momento sicuramente non è ricevuta dal server
if (autoIncrementProperty.customFunction){
autoIncrementProperty.customFunction(r, field, this.conn)
return def.promise();
const selector = autoIncrementProperty.getSelector(r),
fieldExpr = autoIncrementProperty.getExpression(r),
prefix = autoIncrementProperty.getPrefix(r);
this.maxCacher.getMax(r, field, autoIncrementProperty.selector, selector, fieldExpr)
.then(function (res) {
let foundID, newID;
if (res === null || res === undefined) {
newID = 1;
} else {
newID = res+1;
that.maxCacher.setMax(r, field, selector, fieldExpr, newID);
if (! autoIncrementProperty.isNumber){
newID = newID.toString();
while (newID.length < autoIncrementProperty.idLen) {
newID = '0' + newID;
newID = prefix + newID;
table.safeAssign(r, field, newID);
return def.promise();
* Saves one or more DataSet using a given DataAccess
* @class PostData
* @method PostData
* @constructor
function PostData(){
/* {SinglePostData} */
this.allPost = [];
/* IInnerPoster */
this.innerPostingClass = null;
/* OptimisticLocking */
PostData.prototype = {
constructor: PostData,
* @param ds
* @param conn
* @return {SinglePostData}
createSingleDataSetPost: function(ds,conn){
return new SinglePostData();
* Sets a default for optimistic locking
* @param {OptimisticLocking} locking
this.defaultOptimistickLocking = locking;
PostData.prototype.createBusinessLogicResult = function (){
return new BusinessLogicResult();
* @param {DataSet} ds
* @param {Context} context
* @return {Promise<SinglePostData>}
PostData.prototype.init = function ( ds,context){
if (!this.conn){
this.conn = context.dataAccess;
let p =this.createSingleDataSetPost();
this.context = context;
return p.init(ds, context)
.then(()=> this.getBusinessLogic(context, p.rowChanges))
.then(bl=> {
p.businessLogic = bl;
return p;
* @private
* @return {boolean}
PostData.prototype.someChange = function (){
return this.allPost.some(p => p.rowChanges.length>0);
* Check if this PostClass is run-time nested insider another one
* @param {DataSet} ds
* @param {IInnerPoster} innerPoster
* @return {boolean}
PostData.prototype.setInnerPosting = function (ds, innerPoster){
this.innerPostingClass = innerPoster;
this.innerPostingDataSet = ds;
* Check if this PostClass is run-time nested insider another one
* @return {boolean}
PostData.prototype.isInnerPoster = function (){
return this._isInnerPoster;
* Establish that this PostClass is run-time nested insider another one
PostData.prototype.setAsInnerPoster = function (){
this._isInnerPoster = true;
* Simple check result
* @class BasicMessage
* @param {string} msg
* @param {boolean} canIgnore
function BasicMessage(msg,canIgnore){
* @property {boolean} canIgnore
* @property {string} msg
* @method setMessage
* Sets the message of the rule
* @return {*}
BasicMessage.prototype.setMessage = function (msg){
* @method getMessage
* Gets the message of the rule
* @return {string}
BasicMessage.prototype.getMessage = function (){
return this.msg;
* Gets an identifier for this message, uses to suppress duplicates messages
* @return {string|*}
BasicMessage.prototype.getId = function (){
return this.msg;
function BusinessLogicResult(){
/* {boolean} a message can be ignored if it is a warning*/
this.autoIgnore = false;
/* {boolean} if true is a post check*/
this.post = false;
/* BasicMessage[] */
* Previously ignored warnings
* {Set<string>}
this.hashIgnored = new Set();
* Added errors (can't be ignored)
* {Set<string>}
this.hashError = new Set();
* Adds a message to the collection, returns the added message
* @param {BasicMessage} check
* @return {BasicMessage}
* */
BusinessLogicResult.prototype.addMessage = function (check){
let id = check.getId();
if (check.canIgnore){
if (!this.autoIgnore) {
if (!this.hashIgnored.has(id)) {
else {
if (!this.hashError.has(id)){
return check;
* Adds an error to the message collection, returns the created message
* @param {string} message
* @param {boolean} post
* @return {BasicMessage}
BusinessLogicResult.prototype.addError = function (message,post){
return this.addMessage(new BasicMessage(message,false));
* Adds a warning to the message collection, returns the created message
* @param {string} message
* @param {boolean} post
* @return {BasicMessage}
BusinessLogicResult.prototype.addWarning = function (message,post){
let m= this.addMessage(new BasicMessage(message,true));
m.post = post;
return m;
* Adds a db error
* @param {string} message
* @param {boolean} post
BusinessLogicResult.prototype.addDbError = function (message,post){
const check = new BasicMessage(message,false);
this.checks.push( check);
return check;
* Merges messages with existing ones
* @param {BusinessLogicResult} messages
* @returns {boolean} true if any new message was added to collection
BusinessLogicResult.prototype.mergeMessages = function (messages){
let that=this; //to avoid eslint messages
let nChecks = this.checks.length;
messages.checks.forEach(/* {BasicMessage} */ m =>{
if (!messages.canIgnore) {
return nChecks!== this.checks.length;
function IBusinessLogic(){
IBusinessLogic.prototype = {
constructor: IBusinessLogic,
* @param {BusinessLogicResult} result
* @param {DataAccess} conn transaction connection
* @param {boolean} post
getChecks:function (result, conn,post){
return new Deferred().resolve(result).promise();
* This is meant to be replaced or overridden in derived classes
* @param {Context} context
* @param {ObjectRow[]} rowChanges
* @return {Promise<IBusinessLogic>}
PostData.prototype.getBusinessLogic = function (context, rowChanges){
let bl= new IBusinessLogic();
return new Deferred().resolve(bl).promise();
* Builds a chained function, chaining each the Deferred function with "then"
* @param {Array.<Deferred>} tasks each task is a function that returns a deferred. Not the deferred itself!
* @return {Promise}
function promiseWaterfall(tasks) {
let f = Deferred().resolve(true).promise();
// concateno con then ogni deferred dell'array di input
function(def) {
f = f.then(()=>{
try {
return def();
catch (err){
return Deferred().reject(err).promise();
} );
return f;
* @param {function[]} tasks
function promiseParallel(tasks) {
Deferred.when.apply(Deferred, tasks.map(function (task) {
return task();
* This function is called before and after applying changes to db.
* The first time is called with post=false and the second time with post=true.
* Should give a list of messages to return to client. If it does return an empty array, the transaction is committed.
* If it does return some rows, those are merged and returned to client, and transaction is roll-backed.
* if canIgnore is false in the first call, the procedure terminates and no data is written at all
* This is meant to be replaced or overridden in derived classes
* @param {DataAccess} conn
* @param {boolean} post True if post check otherwise precheck are requested
* @return {Promise<BusinessLogicResult>}
PostData.prototype.getChecks = function (conn, post){
/* BusinessLogicResult */
let result = this.createBusinessLogicResult();
//Merges all checks coming from singlePosts
let /* Deferred[] */ allChecks = _.map(this.allPost, (p)=> ()=>p.businessLogic.getChecks(result,conn,post));
return promiseWaterfall(allChecks).
return result;
PostData.prototype.clearMaxCache = function (conn){
// Resets all evaluated cached max
p.maxCacher = new MaxCacher(conn, p.environment);
* Executes all data posting
* @param {DataAccess} conn
* @param {OptimisticLocking} locking
* @returns {Promise} promise fails on errors
PostData.prototype.doAllPhisicalPostBatch = function (conn, locking){
let allPostingFn = _.map(this.allPost, (p)=> ()=>p.physicalPostBatch(conn, locking));
return promiseWaterfall(allPostingFn);
* log all operations made
* @param {DataAccess} conn
* @returns {Promise} promise fails on errors
PostData.prototype.doAllLog = function (conn){
let allLoggingFn = _.map(this.allPost, (p)=> ()=>p.log(conn, p.rowChanges) );
return promiseWaterfall(allLoggingFn);
* Executes all post-saving updates
* @param {DataAccess} conn
* @param {BusinessLogicResult} result
* @returns {Promise} promise fails on errors
PostData.prototype.doAllUpdate = function (conn, result){
let allUpdateFn = _.map(this.allPost, (p)=> ()=>p.doUpdate(conn, result));
return promiseWaterfall(allUpdateFn).
* Read again view data from database
* @param {DataAccess} conn
* @return {Promise}
PostData.prototype.reselectAllViewsAndAcceptChanges = function(conn){
let that=this;
let allReselectFn = _.map(this.allPost, (p)=>()=>{
return p.reselectAllViews(conn).then(()=>{
_.forEach(p.rowChanges, /*ObjectRow */r=> r.getRow().acceptChanges() );
if (this.innerPostingClass){
return promiseWaterfall(allReselectFn);
* @returns {Array.<dataSetName:string, changes:Array.<DataRow>>}
PostData.prototype.getAllChanges = function(){
let res = _.map(this.allPost,p=>{return {datasetName: p.ds.name, changes : p.rowChanges};});
if (res.length===1)return res[0].changes;
return res;
* Saves a dataSet and return empty list if successful or a list of messages if they have to be verified before
* effectively committing changes. If successfull, also returns saved DataSet
* @method doPost
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} [options.isolationLevel = DataAccess.isolationLevels.readCommitted]
* @param {OptimisticLocking} [options.optimisticLocking]
* @param {BusinessLogicResult} [options.previousRules]
* @return { Promise<{canIgnore:boolean, checks:BasicMessage[], data:DataSet}> }
PostData.prototype.doPost = function(options) {
const opt = options || {},
that = this;
let opened = false,
tranOpen = false,
terminated = false;
/* {Deferred} */
const def = Deferred();
_.defaults(opt, {
isolationLevel: isolationLevels.readCommitted,
optimisticLocking: this.defaultOptimistickLocking
function cleanResult(res){
let r= _.pick(res,["canIgnore","checks"]);
if (res.data){
r.data= res.data;
return r;
let result = opt.previousRules || this.createBusinessLogicResult();
if (!result.canIgnore) return def.resolve(cleanResult(result)).promise();
if (!this.someChange()){
def.resolve(cleanResult(result)); //default response on unchanged dataset
return def.promise();
function appendArray(array1, array2) {
array1.push.apply(array1, array2);
* Invoke a method if it is not inner posting
* @param {string} method
* @return {*}
function optionalMethod(method){
if (that.isInnerPoster()){
return Deferred().resolve(false);
return that.conn[method]()
* Resolve the promise with result, and do the necessary cleanup: rollback transaction if a transaction is open,
* and close connection if the connection is open. If further errors arise, add them to checks as dbErrors
* @method resolve
* @returns {Deferred}
function resolve() {
terminated = true;
//If there is an open transaction, it means that there has been an error
if (tranOpen) {
.then(()=> that.recursiveCallAfterPost(false))
.fail(function (err) {
.done(function () {
return def.promise();
if (opened) {
.done(function () {
} else {
return def.promise();
let anyNewMessage=false;
//open connection
try {
.then(function () {
opened= true;
if (terminated) return;
//begin transaction
if (!that.isInnerPoster()) {
//Only outer poster begins and rollbacks/commits transaction
return that.conn.beginTransaction(opt.isolationLevel);
return true;
.then(function () {
tranOpen = true;
return that.getChecks( that.conn, false);
.then(function (/*BusinessLogicResult*/ preChecks) {
anyNewMessage = result.mergeMessages(preChecks);
if (result.canIgnore === false) {
return resolve();
.then(function () {
if (terminated) return;
return that.doAllPhisicalPostBatch(that.conn, opt.optimisticLocking);
.then(function () {
if (terminated) return;
return that.doAllLog(that.conn);
.then(function () {
if (terminated) return;
return that.getChecks( that.conn, true);
.then(function (/* BusinessLogicResult */ postChecks) {
if (terminated) return;
let newMessages = result.mergeMessages(postChecks);
anyNewMessage = anyNewMessage || newMessages;
if (anyNewMessage) {
return resolve(); //forces a rollback
return that.doAllUpdate(that.conn, that.createBusinessLogicResult());
.then(function (/* {BusinessLogicResult} */ extChecks) {
if (terminated) return;
anyNewMessage = result.mergeMessages(extChecks);
if (anyNewMessage) {
return resolve(); //forces a rollback
if (!that.innerPostingClass) return;
let prevRuleLen = result.checks.length;
return that.innerPostingClass.init(that.innerPostingDataSet, that.context)
.then(function () {
return that.innerPostingClass.doPost(_.assign({}, opt, {previousRules: result}));
* @param {boolean} res.canIgnore
* @param {BasicMessage[]} res.checks
* @param {DataSet} res.data
* @return {exports}
function (res) {
if (res.checks.length > prevRuleLen) return resolve();
.then(function () {
if (terminated) return;
//all is fine so we can do a commit
return optionalMethod("commit");
.then(function (res) {
if (terminated) return;
tranOpen = false;
if (that.isInnerPoster()) return;
return that.reselectAllViewsAndAcceptChanges();
.then(function () {
if (terminated) return;
if (that.isInnerPoster()) return;
return that.recursiveCallAfterPost(true);
.then(function () {
if (terminated) return;
result.data = that.getAllChanges();
resolve(); //closes connection and returns data
//any fail will be caught here
.fail(function (err) {
catch (err){
return def.promise();
* @param {boolean} committed
PostData.prototype.recursiveCallAfterPost= function (committed){
let inner= this.innerPostingClass;
if (!inner)return;
let inners=[];
while (inner){
inner = inner.getInnerPostingClass();
let def = _.map(inners, inner=> ()=> inner.afterPost(this.conn,committed));
return promiseWaterfall(def);
function IInnerPoster(){
/* PostData */
this.p = new PostData(); //this can be another class in derived IInnerPoster class
IInnerPoster.prototype = {
constructor: IInnerPoster,
* @param {DataSet} ds
* @param {Context} context
* @return {Promise<SinglePostData>}
init : function ( ds,context){
this.p.setAsInnerPoster(); //set p as the inner poster
return this.p.init(ds, context);
* Called after data has been committed or rolled back
* @param {DataAccess} conn
* @param {boolean} committed
* @return {*}
afterPost: function(conn, committed){
return Deferred().resolve();
* Same as PostData method
* @param {DataAccess} conn
* @return {Promise}
reselectAllViewsAndAcceptChanges: function(conn){
if (this.p===null) return Deferred().resolve();
return this.p.reselectAllViewsAndAcceptChanges(conn);
getInnerPostingClass: function (){
return this.p.innerPostingClass;
* Saves a dataSet and return empty list if successful or a list of messages if they have to be verified before
* effectively committing changes.
* @method doPost
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} [options.isolationLevel = DataAccess.isolationLevels.readCommitted]
* @param {OptimisticLocking} [options.optimisticLocking]
* @param {BusinessLogicResult} [options.previousRules]
* @return { {canIgnore:boolean, checks:BasicMessage[], data:DataSet} }
doPost: function (options){
return this.p.doPost(options);
PostData.prototype.sqlSizeLimit = 2000;
module.exports = {
PostData: PostData,
MaxCacher: MaxCacher,
BusinessLogicResult: BusinessLogicResult,