/*globals Context,sqlFun,DataRelation,ObjectRow */
const q = require('./../client/components/metadata/jsDataQuery');
const _ = require('lodash');
* notFound|constant|fieldName|operator|openPar|closedPar|endOfString|comma|openEnvironment|closeEnvironment
* @enum TokenKind
const TokenKind= {
* unknown token
* numeric or string, for now we ignore date constants
* Field name
* Operator
* Information on an operator
* @constructor
function OperatorDescriptor(){
* Operator is unary prefixed
* @type {boolean}
* Operator is unary postfixed
* @type {boolean}
* Operator is unary binary
* @type {boolean}
* Operator is n-ary
* @type {boolean}
* Evaluation order of operator
* @type {number}
this.name = "";
* Operator precededs a list
* @type {boolean}
this.precedesList = false;
OperatorDescriptor.prototype = {
constructor: OperatorDescriptor
* Helper class to build jsDataQuery
* @param {BuildingExpression} parent
* @constructor
function BuildingExpression(parent){
this.operands = [];
/* OperatorDescriptor */
this.op= null;
/* BuildingExpression */
this.parent = parent;
BuildingExpression.prototype = {
constructor: BuildingExpression,
evaluationOrder: function (){
return this.op.evaluationOrder;
setLastAsOperand:function (){
setLastAsOperator:function (){
for(let i=0;i<this.operands.length;i++){
if (this.operands[i]===oldOperand){
* @param {BuildingExpression} expr
addOperand: function (expr){
expr.parent = this;
* creates a new expression as a child of this one, so that the new expression is an operand of the current one.
* Useful if operator is we have a+b+c+d and then comes *, or we have a < b and then comes +
* i.e. if evaluation order of new operator is less than the current one
* The new expression has last operand as first operand, so the result is (a+b+c+(d*...
* Returns the new created child expression, in this example d*
createChildExpression: function (){
let child = new BuildingExpression(this.parent);
if (this.operands.length===0){
else {
let lastOperandIndex = this.operands.length-1;
let lastOperand = this.operands[lastOperandIndex];
this.operands[lastOperandIndex]= child;
child.parent = this;
return child;
createParentExpression: function () {
let originalParent = this.parent;
let newExpr= new BuildingExpression(originalParent);
newExpr.addOperand(this); //"this" becomes an operand of newExpr
if (originalParent === null) {
// A >> P ( A ) >>> returns P(A)
//There is no current parent
return newExpr;
// B (,... A ) >> B (,.. P ( A ) ) >> returns P(A)
return newExpr;
* @return {BuildingExpression}
outerExpression: function(){
let curr=this;
while (curr.parent){
curr= curr.parent;
return curr;
/* OperatorDescriptor */
BuildingExpression.prototype.listDescriptor = _.extend(
new OperatorDescriptor(),
* @return {sqlFun|null}
BuildingExpression.prototype.build = function (){
/* sqlFun[] */
let metaOperands = this.operands.map(o => o.build());
if (this.op===null){
if (metaOperands.length===0){
return null;
if (metaOperands.length===1){
return metaOperands[0];
return q.list(metaOperands);
switch (this.op.name){
case '&': return q.bitwiseAnd(metaOperands);
case '|': return q.bitwiseOr(metaOperands);
case '~': return q.bitwiseNot(metaOperands[0]);
case '^': return q.bitwiseXor(metaOperands);
case 'list': return q.list(metaOperands);
case 'like': return q.like(metaOperands[0],metaOperands[1]);
case 'between': return q.between(metaOperands[0],metaOperands[1],metaOperands[2]);
case 'par': return q.doPar(metaOperands[0]);
case 'and': return q.and(metaOperands);
case 'or': return q.or(metaOperands);
case 'not': return q.not(metaOperands[0]);
case 'not in': return q.isNotIn(metaOperands[0],metaOperands[1]);
//metaOperands[1] è un semplice array poiché è costante ed è stato già restituito come risultato
// tuttavia per questo motivo non ha la proprietà paramList
case 'in': return q.isIn(metaOperands[0],metaOperands[1]);
case 'is null': return q.isNull(metaOperands[0]);
case 'is not null': return q.isNotNull(metaOperands[0]);
case 'isnull': return q.coalesce(metaOperands[0]);
case '%': return q.modulus(metaOperands[0],metaOperands[1]);
case '-': return q.minus(metaOperands[0],metaOperands[1]);
case '/': return q.div(metaOperands[0],metaOperands[1]);
case '>=': return q.ge(metaOperands[0],metaOperands[1]);
case '<=': return q.le(metaOperands[0],metaOperands[1]);
case '>': return q.gt(metaOperands[0],metaOperands[1]);
case '<': return q.lt(metaOperands[0],metaOperands[1]);
case '=': return q.eq(metaOperands[0],metaOperands[1]);
case '<>': return q.ne(metaOperands[0],metaOperands[1]);
case '*': return q.mul(metaOperands);
case '+': return q.add(metaOperands);
default: return null;
* Creates an operation in parentheses into a parent expression
* @param {BuildingExpression} child
BuildingExpression.prototype.createParentesizedExpression = function(child){
let newExpr = new BuildingExpression(null);
newExpr.addOperator(_.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(),{name:"par",evaluationOrder:0}));
return newExpr;
* Creates an operation into a parent expression
* @param {BuildingExpression} parent
BuildingExpression.prototype.createList = function(parent){
let newExpr = new BuildingExpression(parent);
return newExpr;
* Adds an operator to current expression, setting it to opToAdd
* @param {OperatorDescriptor} opToAdd
* @return {BuildingExpression|*}
BuildingExpression.prototype.addOperator= function(opToAdd) {
if (this.op === null) {
this.op = opToAdd; //opera sull'espressione corrente
if (!opToAdd.unaryPostfixed) {
return this;
if (this.op.nary && this.op.name===opToAdd.name) {
return this;
if (this.op.name==="between" && opToAdd.name==="and" && this.operands.length===2) {
return this;
let newExpr = this.appendExpression(opToAdd);
newExpr.op = opToAdd;
return newExpr;
* @param {OperatorDescriptor} op
* @return {BuildingExpression}
BuildingExpression.prototype.appendExpression = function (op) {
if (op.unaryPrefixed && this.operands.length > 0) {
let newExpression = new BuildingExpression(this);
return newExpression;
let opEvaluationOrder = op.evaluationOrder;
if (this.evaluationOrder() < opEvaluationOrder) {
//l'ordine di valutazione corrente è minore di quello nuovo: siamo nel caso a*b*c/d +
// quindi va creata una nuova espressione in cui la precedente sia il primo operando
let par = this.findSuitableParentForOperator(opEvaluationOrder);
if (par.op !== null && par.op.name === op.name) {
if (op.binary && par.operands.length === 1) {
return par;
if (op.nary) {
return par;
return par.createParentExpression();
if (this.op.binary && this.operands.length===2 && this.evaluationOrder()===op.evaluationOrder){
return this.createParentExpression();
//siamo nel caso a+b *
// in questo caso creiamo una espressione in cui quello che segue prende come primo operando l'ultimo che c'era
return this.createChildExpression();
* Searches the first parent having an evaluationOrder lower than the given operator
* @param {int} opEvaluationOrder
* @return {BuildingExpression|*}
BuildingExpression.prototype.findSuitableParentForOperator = function(opEvaluationOrder) {
//must search an expression with evaluationOrder lower than the given operator
// for example A + B <
// here < must be executed AFTER + so < becomes the root of the expression, >> < ( A+B,...
// while in A < B *
// another replacement should be applied
let expr = this;
while (expr.parent !== null && expr.evaluationOrder() < opEvaluationOrder) {
expr = expr.parent;
if (expr.evaluationOrder() > opEvaluationOrder) {
return expr.operands[expr.operands.length - 1];
return expr;
* Gets the root expression
BuildingExpression.prototype.nextParentList = function(){
let curr=this;
while (true) {
if (curr.op === null) {
return curr;
if (curr.op.name === "list") {
return curr;
if (curr.parent === null) {
//trasforma questa espressione in una lista di cui la vecchia espressione è il primo elemento
let newExpr= new BuildingExpression(null);
return newExpr;
curr = curr.parent;
* @param {BuildingExpression} parent
* @param {string} value
* @constructor
function EnvironmentExpression(parent, value){
/* {string} */
this.value= value;
EnvironmentExpression.prototype = _.extend(
new BuildingExpression(),
constructor: EnvironmentExpression,
superClass: BuildingExpression.prototype,
evaluationOrder: function (){
return -1;
* @return {sqlFun}
EnvironmentExpression.prototype.build= function (){
if (this.value.startsWith("sys[")){
let sysVar= this.value.substr(4,this.value.length-5);
let fn= env=>{
return env.sys(sysVar);
let f= q.context(/*Environment*/ fn);
f.toString = function() { return "context.sys["+sysVar+"]"; };
return f;
if (this.value.startsWith("usr[")){
let usrVar= this.value.substr(4,this.value.length-5);
let fn= env=>{
return env.usr(usrVar);
let f= q.context(/*Environment*/ fn);
f.toString = function() { return "context.usr["+usrVar+"]"; };
return f;
return q.context(this.value);
* @param {BuildingExpression} parent
* @param {string} value
* @constructor
function ConstantExpression(parent, value){
/* {string} */
this.value= value;
ConstantExpression.prototype = _.extend(
new BuildingExpression(),
constructor: ConstantExpression,
superClass: BuildingExpression.prototype,
evaluationOrder: function (){
return -1;
* @return {sqlFun}
build: function (){
return q.constant(this.value);
* @param {BuildingExpression} parent
* @param {string} fieldName
* @constructor
function FieldExpression(parent, fieldName){
/* {string} */
this.value= fieldName;
FieldExpression.prototype = _.extend(
new BuildingExpression(),
constructor: FieldExpression,
superClass: BuildingExpression.prototype,
evaluationOrder: function (){
return -1;
* @return {sqlFun}
build: function (){
return q.field(this.value);
* @param {TokenKind} kind
* @param {object} value
* @constructor
function Token(kind,value){
this.value = value;
Token.prototype = {
constructor: Token,
* @static
* @param {string} prefix
* @param {{OperatorDescriptor}}descriptors
* @return {boolean}
anyKeyStartsWith: function (prefix, descriptors) {
return _.some(_.keys(descriptors),
v=> {
return v.startsWith(prefix);
* @param {char} c
isOperator: function (c){
const ops= "+-/*=<>&|";
return ops.indexOf(c)>=0;
* @param {char} c
isAlfaNum: function (c){
return (/^[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$/).test(c);
* @param {char} c
isAlfa: function (c){
return (/^[a-zA-Z_]+$/).test(c);
isNumeric: function (c){
return (/^[0-9.]+$/).test(c);
* Rimuove tutti i spazi consecutivi tranne che nelle stringhe
* @static
* @param sqlCmd
* @return {string}
normalize: function(sqlCmd){
if (sqlCmd===null) {
return "";
let prevwasidentifier=false;
let spaceToAdd=false;
let res="";
let index=0;
//sqlcmd = StripComments(sqlcmd);
let len = sqlCmd.length;
while (index< len){
let c = sqlCmd[index];
if ((c!==' ')&&(c!=='\n')&&(c!=='\r')&&(c!=='\t')){
if (Token.prototype.isAlfaNum(c)) {
if (spaceToAdd) {
res+=" ";
else {
if (c==='\''){
//skips the string constant
//skips the string
while (index<len){
if (sqlCmd[index]!=='\'') {
res+= sqlCmd[index];
//it could be an end-string character
if (((index+1)<len)&&(sqlCmd[index+1]==='\'')){
//it isn't
res+= sqlCmd[index];
res+= sqlCmd[index];
res+= sqlCmd[index];
else {//Converte tutti gli spazi precedenti in uno spazio
if (prevwasidentifier) {
spaceToAdd =true;
return res;
* @param c
* @return {boolean}
isSpace: function (c){
return (c === ' ') || (c === '\n') || (c === '\r') || (c === '\t');
* Salta tutti gli spazi a partire dalla posizione corrente
* @param {string} s
* @param {int} currPos
* @return {int}
skipSpaces:function(s, currPos){
while (currPos < s.length) {
let c = s[currPos];
if (!Token.prototype.isSpace(c)) {
return currPos;
return currPos;
getDescriptor: function(name) {
return Token.prototype.getDescriptor(this.value);
* @return {null|OperatorDescriptor}
getDescriptorOf: function(name){
if (Token.prototype.Operators[name]) {
return Token.prototype.Operators[name];
if (Token.prototype.AlfaOperators[name]) {
return Token.prototype.AlfaOperators[name];
if (Token.prototype.functions[name]){
return Token.prototype.functions[name];
return null;
//return Token.prototype.getDescriptor();
* @typedef {Object} stringPos
* @property {string|null} res
* @property {int} currPos
* get next alfanumeric sequene
* @param {string} s
* @param {int} currPos
* @return {stringPos}
* */
getAlfaSequence: function (s,currPos) {
let currValue = "";
let checkAlfaNum = false;
while (currPos < s.length &&
((checkAlfaNum === false && Token.prototype.isAlfa(s[currPos])) ||
(checkAlfaNum === true && Token.prototype.isAlfaNum(s[currPos]))
) {
currValue += s[currPos];
checkAlfaNum = true;
return {res:currValue, currPos:currPos};
* @param {string} s
* @param {int }currPos
* @return {{res:Token, currPos:int}}
getOperator:function (s, currPos) {
let found = Token.prototype.getTokenOfClass(s, currPos, this.Operators, this.isOperator ) ;
if (found.res === "<%") {
let t= new Token(TokenKind.openEnvironment,found.res);
return {res:t, currPos:found.currPos};
if (found.res === "%>") {
let t= new Token(TokenKind.closeEnvironment,found.res);
return {res:t, currPos:found.currPos};
if (found.res === null) {
return {res:this.prototype.NoToken, currPos:found.currPos};
let t= new Token(TokenKind.operator,found.res);
return {res:t, currPos:found.currPos};
/// <summary>
/// Gets an alfa operator or a field name. Note that an alfa operator may contain spaces, while an identifier does not.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s"></param>
/// <param name="currPos"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
* Gets an alfa operator or a field name. Note that an alfa operator may contain spaces, while an identifier does not.
* @param {string} s
* @param {int} currPos
* @return {{res:Token, currPos:int}}
getAlfaToken: function(s,currPos) {
if (!Token.prototype.isAlfa(s[currPos])) {
return {res: Token.prototype.NoToken, currPos: currPos};
let myPos = currPos;
let alfaSeq = Token.prototype.getAlfaSequence(s, myPos);
myPos = alfaSeq.currPos;
if (Token.prototype.AlfaOperators[alfaSeq.res.toLowerCase()]) {
//restart all again
let opFound = this.getTokenOfClass(s, currPos, Token.prototype.AlfaOperators, this.isAlfaNum);
let t = new Token(TokenKind.operator,opFound.res);
return {res: t, currPos: opFound.currPos};
if (Token.prototype.functions[alfaSeq.res.toLowerCase()]) {
let t = new Token(TokenKind.operator,alfaSeq.res.toLowerCase());
return {res: t, currPos: myPos};
if (Token.prototype.anyKeyStartsWith(alfaSeq.res.toLowerCase(), Token.prototype.AlfaOperators)) {
let opFound = Token.prototype.getTokenOfClass(s, currPos, Token.prototype.AlfaOperators, this.isAlfaNum);
if (opFound.res !== null) {
let t = new Token(TokenKind.operator,opFound.res);
return {res: t, currPos: opFound.currPos};
let t = new Token(TokenKind.fieldName, alfaSeq.res);
return {res: t, currPos: alfaSeq.currPos};
* @param {string} s
* @param {int} currPos
* @param {{OperatorDescriptor}} classElements
* @param {function} testFun
* @return {{res:string, currPos:int}}
getTokenOfClass: function (s, currPos, classElements, testFun) {
let myPos = currPos;
myPos = Token.prototype.skipSpaces(s, myPos);
if (myPos >= s.length) {
return {res: null, currPos: currPos};
let foundNextPos = currPos;
let foundValue = null;
let currValue = s[myPos];
while (Token.prototype.anyKeyStartsWith(currValue.toLowerCase(), classElements)) {
//si ferma sul primo carattere che rende currValue non associabile ad un operatore
if (classElements[currValue.toLowerCase()]) {
if (myPos === s.length || !testFun(s[myPos])) {
//solo se la stringa è finita o non seguono altri alfanumerici è possibile effettuare il confronto
foundNextPos = myPos;
foundValue = currValue.toLowerCase();
if (myPos >= s.length) {
currValue += s[myPos].toLowerCase();//aggiunge massimo uno spazio tra pezzi distinti di un token
if (Token.prototype.isSpace(s[myPos])) {
myPos = Token.prototype.skipSpaces(s, myPos);
if (!Token.prototype.isSpace(s[myPos])) {
myPos--;//torna indietro altrimenti si perde un carattere
if (foundValue !== null) {
return {res: foundValue, currPos: foundNextPos};
return {res: null, currPos: currPos};
* @param {string} s
* @param {int} currPos
* @return {{res:Token, currPos:int}}
getConstantNumeric: function( s, currPos) {
if (currPos >= s.length) {
return {res: Token.prototype.NoToken, currPos: currPos};
if (!this.isNumeric(s[currPos])) {
return {res: Token.prototype.NoToken, currPos: currPos};
let curr = "";
let myPos = currPos;
while (myPos < s.length && Token.prototype.isNumeric(s[myPos])) {
curr += s[myPos];
let res = Number.parseFloat(curr);
if (isNaN(res)) {
return {res: Token.prototype.NoToken, currPos: currPos};
let t = new Token(TokenKind.constant, res);
return {res: t, currPos: myPos};
* @param {string} s
* @param {int} currPos
* @return {{res: Token, currPos:int}}
getConstantString( s, currPos) {
if (currPos >= s.length) {
return {res: Token.prototype.NoToken, currPos: currPos};
if (s[currPos] !== '\''){
return {res: Token.prototype.NoToken, currPos: currPos};
let len = s.length;
let index = currPos+1;
let res = "";
//skips the string
while (index<len){
if (s[index]!=="'") {
res+= s[index];
//it could be an end-string character
if (((index+1)<len)&&(s[index+1]==="'")){
//it isn't
res+= s[index]; //prende l'apice e lo mette nel risultato, saltando l'apice successivo
//res+= s[index]; Questo secondo apice non fa veramente parte della stringa equivalente
//res+= s[index]; //l'apice finale NON fa parte della stringa equivalente
return {res: new Token(TokenKind.constant,res), currPos: index+1};
return {res: new Token(TokenKind.constant,res), currPos: index};
* Read a token from a string
* @param {string} s
* @param {int} currPos
* @return {{res: Token, currPos:int}}
getToken( s, currPos) {
currPos = Token.prototype.skipSpaces(s,currPos);
if (currPos >= s.length){
return {res: Token.prototype.EndOfString, currPos: currPos};
let c = s[currPos];
if (Token.prototype.isAlfa(c)) {
return Token.prototype.getAlfaToken(s, currPos);
if (c === '(') {
return {res: Token.prototype.OpenPar, currPos: currPos+1};
if (c === ')') {
return {res: Token.prototype.ClosePar, currPos: currPos+1};
if (c === '\'') {
return Token.prototype.getConstantString(s, currPos);
if (c === ',') {
return {res: new Token(TokenKind.comma,null), currPos: currPos+1};
if (Token.prototype.anyKeyStartsWith(c, Token.prototype.Operators)){
return Token.prototype.getOperator(s, currPos);
if (Token.prototype.isNumeric(c)) {
return Token.prototype.getConstantNumeric(s, currPos);
return {res: Token.prototype.NoToken, currPos: currPos};
Token.prototype.EndOfString = new Token(TokenKind.endOfString,undefined);
Token.prototype.NoToken = new Token(TokenKind.notFound,undefined);
Token.prototype.OpenPar = new Token(TokenKind.openPar,undefined);
Token.prototype.ClosePar = new Token(TokenKind.closedPar,undefined);
Token.prototype.AlfaOperators = {
"and":_.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(),{nary:true,evaluationOrder:100,name:"and"}),
"between":_.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(),{nary:true,evaluationOrder:70,name:"between"}),
"or":_.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(),{nary:true,evaluationOrder:120,name:"or"}),
"not":_.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(),{unaryPrefixed:true,evaluationOrder:110,name:"not"}),
"not in":_.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(),{binary:true,evaluationOrder:70,name:"not in",precedesList:true}),
"in":_.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(),{binary:true,evaluationOrder:70,name:"in",precedesList:true}),
"like":_.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(),{binary:true,evaluationOrder:70,name:"like"}),
"is null":_.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(),{unaryPostfixed:true,evaluationOrder:70,name:"is null"}),
"is not null":_.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(),{unaryPostfixed:true,evaluationOrder:70,name:"is not null"})
Token.prototype.functions = {
"isnull": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {unaryPrefixed: true, evaluationOrder: 1, name: "isnull",precedesList:true})
Token.prototype.Operators = {
"%": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {nary: true, evaluationOrder: 25, name: "%"}),
"+": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {nary: true, evaluationOrder: 20, name: "+"}),
"-": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {binary: true, evaluationOrder: 20, name: "-"}),
"/": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {binary: true, evaluationOrder: 10, name: "/"}),
"*": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {nary: true, evaluationOrder: 10, name: "*"}),
"&": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {nary: true, evaluationOrder: 10, name: "&"}),
"^": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {nary: true, evaluationOrder: 10, name: "^"}),
"~": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {unaryPrefixed: true, evaluationOrder: 5, name: "~"}),
"|": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {nary: true, evaluationOrder: 10, name: "|"}),
"<": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {binary: true, evaluationOrder: 50, name: "<"}),
"<%": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {unaryPrefixed: true, evaluationOrder: 10, name: "openEnvironment"}),
">": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {binary: true, evaluationOrder: 50, name: ">"}),
"%>": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {unaryPostfixed: true, evaluationOrder: 25, name: "closeEnvironment"}),
"=": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {binary: true, evaluationOrder: 50, name: "="}),
"<=": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {binary: true, evaluationOrder: 50, name: "<="}),
">=": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {binary: true, evaluationOrder: 50, name: ">="}),
"<>": _.extend(new OperatorDescriptor(), {binary: true, evaluationOrder: 50, name: "<>"})
* Class able to transform a string into a jsDataQuery
function JsDataQueryParser(){
JsDataQueryParser.prototype = {
constructor: JsDataQueryParser,
* @param {string|null} s
* @return {sqlFun|null}
* @constructor
from: function(s){
if (s==="" || s===null){
return null;
if (s==="AND(1=1)"){
s = Token.prototype.normalize(s);
let resExt = JsDataQueryParser.prototype.getExpression(s,0,false);
let res= resExt.res;
if (res) {
res= res.build();
if (res===null){
return null;
if (res.isTrue){
return null;
return res;
* @static
* @param {string} s
* @param {int} currPos
* @param {boolean}wantsList
* @return {{res:?BuildingExpression,currPos:int}}
getExpression: function(s, currPos, wantsList) {
currPos = Token.prototype.skipSpaces(s, currPos);
if (currPos >= s.length) {
return {res: null, currPos: currPos};
let expr = wantsList ? BuildingExpression.prototype.createList(null) : new BuildingExpression(null);
let resT = Token.prototype.getToken(s, currPos);
currPos = resT.currPos;
let t = resT.res;
let internalWantsList = false;
while (t.kind !== TokenKind.endOfString && t.kind !== TokenKind.notFound) {
switch (t.kind) {
case TokenKind.openPar:
let internalExprRes = JsDataQueryParser.prototype.getExpression(s, currPos, internalWantsList);
currPos = internalExprRes.currPos;
internalWantsList = false;
case TokenKind.closedPar:
if (wantsList) {
if (expr) {
return {res: expr.nextParentList(), currPos: currPos};
return {res: null, currPos: currPos};
return {
res: BuildingExpression.prototype.createParentesizedExpression(expr.outerExpression() ),//
currPos: currPos
case TokenKind.comma:
expr = expr.nextParentList();
case TokenKind.constant:
let k = new ConstantExpression(expr, t.value);
if (expr !== null) {
else {//this can never happen
expr = k;
case TokenKind.fieldName:
let field = new FieldExpression(expr, t.value);
if (expr !== null) {
else { //this can never happen
expr = field;
case TokenKind.operator:
let opDescr = Token.prototype.getDescriptorOf(t.value);
if (opDescr.precedesList) {
internalWantsList = true;
expr = expr.addOperator(opDescr);
case TokenKind.openEnvironment:
let closePosition = s.indexOf("%>", currPos);
if (closePosition < 0) {
return {res: null, currPos: currPos};
let envName = s.substr(currPos, closePosition - currPos);
currPos = closePosition + 2;
expr.addOperand(new EnvironmentExpression(expr, envName));
let resT = Token.prototype.getToken(s, currPos);
t = resT.res;
currPos = resT.currPos;
return {res: expr.outerExpression(), currPos: currPos};
module.exports = {