/*globals ObjectRow,Environment,sqlFun,objectRow,Context,MsgParser, jsDataQuery */
* Manages inviocation of business logic
* @module jsBusinessLogic
/* jshint -W069 */
const GetDataSpace = require('../src/jsGetData');
const dsSpace = require('./../client/components/metadata/jsDataSet');
const DataSet = dsSpace.DataSet;
const DataColumn = dsSpace.DataColumn;
const DataRowVersion = dsSpace.dataRowVersion;
const DataRowState = dsSpace.dataRowState;
const Parser = require('./jsMsgParser').MsgParser;
/* {DataRow} */
const DataRow = dsSpace.DataRow;
const DataTable = dsSpace.DataTable;
const jsMultiSelect = require('./jsMultiSelect');
const DataAccess = require('./jsDataAccess').DataAccess;
const Select = jsMultiSelect.Select;
const isolationLevels = require('./jsDataAccess').isolationLevels;
const q = require("./../client/components/metadata/jsDataQuery").jsDataQuery;
const _ = require('lodash');
const BusinessLogicResult = require("./jsPostData").BusinessLogicResult;
const BasicMessage = require("./jsPostData").BasicMessage;
const PostData=require("./jsPostData").PostData;
* jsBusinessLogic
* Use of this class should be
* let jBs = new jsBusinessLogic(conn, environment, rowChanges);
* jBs
* let Post = new PostData(conn, environment);
* @type function
const Deferred = require("JQDeferred");
* Represents a message connected to a changed (modified, added, deleted) row
* @class
* @augments BasicMessage
* @param {RowChange} [options.rowChange] row to check
* @param {DataRow} [options.r] DataRow to check, needed if rowChange is not provided
* @param {boolean} options.post true is is a post commit data check
* * @param {string} options.toCompile
* @param {string} options.shortMsg rule name, audit["title"]
* @param {string} options.longMsg complete message, used for merging , audit["message"] compiled
* @param {string} [options.idRule] id of the business rule, audit["idaudit"], means to be the b.r. "group code"
* @param {int} [options.idDetail] id of the detail for the business rule, audit["idcheck"], b.r. number
* @param {Environment} options.environment
* @param {boolean} options.canIgnore true if it is a warning, false if it is an unrecoverable error (audit["severity"].toLowerCase()==="w")
function BusinessMessage (options){
this.rowChange = options.rowChange;
if (options.rowChange){
if (options.r){
this.shortMsg=options.shortMsg; //nome della regola (audit["title"])
this.idRule=options.idRule; // audit["idaudit"], means to be the b.r. "group code"
this.idDetail=options.idDetail; // audit["idcheck"], b.r. number
this.post = options.post;
* @type {OneSubst[]}
let compiled = "";
let /*MsgParser*/ parser = this.getParser(options.longMsg);
let token= parser.getNext();
while(token!== null){
if (token.skipped) {
compiled += token.skipped;
if (token.found!== null){
compiled+= this.compileParameter(options.rowChange,token.found);
token= parser.getNext();
BusinessMessage.prototype = _.extend(
new BasicMessage("dummy",false),
constructor: BusinessMessage,
superClass: BasicMessage.prototype,
getId: function (){
return this.msg+"#"+this.idRule;
* @method getParser
* param {string} msg
* @return {MsgParser}
BusinessMessage.prototype.getParser= function(msg){
return new Parser(msg,"%<",">%");
* Gets parameter from row or delays evaluation adding an open substitution to the openSubstitutions list
* @method
* @param {DataRow} focusedRow
* @param {string} colName
* @param {string} msgTable
* @param {string} fromTable
* @return {string}
BusinessMessage.prototype.getParameter = function(focusedRow, colName,msgTable,fromTable){
if (!focusedRow){
return "";
let colFound = this.findPostingColumn(focusedRow.table,colName);
if (colFound){
return focusedRow.current[colFound];
let original="%<"+msgTable+"."+colName+">%";
this.openSubstitutions.push(new OneSubst(colName,msgTable,original,fromTable));
return original;
* Translate a Parameter name into a value, taking data from A and related. If it is not possible to extract it,
* pushes a new open substitution to the openSubstitutions array and returns the uncompiled expression
* @param {RowChange} rowChange
* @param {string} expr
BusinessMessage.prototype.compileParameter = function(rowChange, expr){
let r= rowChange.r;
let parameter = expr.trim();
let pieces = parameter.split(".");
let tableName;
if (pieces.length>1) {
tableName= pieces[0];
else {
let colExpression;
Object.values(r.table.columns).some(/* {DataColumn}*/ c=>{
if (c.name=== parameter){//manage the simplest case
colExpression= r[parameter];
return true;
if (c.expression === parameter){
colExpression= this.getParameter(r,c.name,tableName,r.table.name);
return true;
if (colExpression!==undefined){
return colExpression;
if (pieces.length>1) { //parameter like "tablename.columnName"
let colName= pieces[1];
let rRelated=rowChange.getRelated(tableName);
if (!rRelated){
let original="%<"+parameter+">%";
this.openSubstitutions.push(new OneSubst(colName,tableName,original,r.table.name));
return original;
return this.getParameter(rRelated,colName,tableName,r.table.name);
else { //parameter like "fieldName"
let o = this.environment.sys(parameter);
if (o) {
return o;
return this.getParameter(r, parameter, tableName, r.table.name);
* Evaluates the column corresponding to a db field
* @param {DataTable} t
* @param {string} field
* @returns {string|null}
BusinessMessage.prototype.findPostingColumn = function (t, field){
/** @type {DataColumn} */
let c= t.columns[field];
if (c){ //a field was found with given name
if (t.tableForWriting()===t.name){
return field;
if (c.forPosting===field){
return field;
//searches for a column having "forPosting" set as given field name
if (t.tableForWriting()!==t.name) {
let postingCol = _.find(t.columns, c => c.forPosting === field);
if (postingCol) {
return postingCol.name;
if (c===undefined) {
return null;
} //field was not found
if (c.forPosting ) {
return null;
} //a field was found but it has another posting column (
return field; //forPosting is the same as field
* Manages business logic invocation
* @class BusinessLogic
* @method BusinessLogic
* @param {Context} context
* @param {ObjectRow[]} rowChanges
* @constructor
function BusinessLogic(context, rowChanges){
/* {Context} */
this.context = context;
this.conn= context.sqlConn;
/* {DbDescriptor} */
this.dbDescriptor = context.dbDescriptor;
this.environment = context.environment;
/* {Connection} the sql driver, can be jsSqlDriver or jsMySqlDriver */
this.driver = context.sqlConn;
/* {ObjectRow[]} */
this.rowChanges = rowChanges;
/* @property {Promise<DataSet>} auditsPromise*/
this.auditsPromise = this.getRules(rowChanges); //starts evaluating
/* property {BusinessMessage[]} messages */
this.messages = [];
this.ruleFilter = this.getFilterForRules();
this.maxQueryLength= 10000;
BusinessLogic.prototype = {
constructor: BusinessLogic,
maxBatchSize: 40000,
* @return {jsDataQuery}
getFilterForRules: function(){
return this.environment.sys(this.envFilterVariableName);
destroy: function() {
const def = Deferred();
if (!this.auditsPromise) {
return def.resolve(true).promise();
this.auditsPromise.then(() => {
err => def.reject(err)
return def.promise();
* Creates a db error
* @param {string} message
* @param {boolean} post
BusinessLogicResult.prototype.makeDbError = function (message,post){
return new BusinessMessage({post:post,shortMsg:"Generic error", longMsg:message,canIgnore:false});
* Adds a db error
* @param {string} message
* @param {boolean} post
BusinessLogicResult.prototype.addDbError = function (message,post){
return this.addMessage(this.makeDbError(message,post));
* Get stored procedure name to be called to check r audits
* @param {ObjectRow} r
* @param {boolean} post
* @return {string}
BusinessLogic.prototype.getProcName = function (r, post){
let suffix = post? "post":"pre";
let row= r.getRow();
let postingTable = row.table.tableForWriting();
return "check_"+postingTable+"_"+this.opCode(row)+"_"+suffix;
* Gives a code for operation being applied to r
* @param {DataRow} r
* @return {string}
BusinessLogic.prototype.opCode = function (r){
switch (r.state ){
case DataRowState.added: return "i";
case DataRowState.deleted: return "d";
case DataRowState.modified: return "u";
return undefined;
* calculate a filter to obtain rule parameters
* @param {ObjectRow} r
* @param {boolean} post
* @return {sqlFun}
BusinessLogic.prototype.getProcFilter= function (r, post) {
/** {DataTable */
let row= r.getRow();
return q.and (q.eq("precheck", post?"N":"S"),
* Creates a dataset to read db checks
* @return {DataSet}
BusinessLogic.prototype.createAuditDataSet = function (){
let ds = new DataSet("audit");
let auditcheckview= ds.newTable("auditcheckview");
"auditcheckview", ["tablename","opkind"]);
"auditparameter", ["tablename","opkind"]);
auditcheckview.orderBy("idaudit ASC, idcheck ASC");
return ds;
* Gets necessary rules from a database in order to save a set of row change. This can ben invoked
* before the start of a transaction.
* @param {ObjectRow[]} rowChanges changes made in memory
* @returns {Deferred<DataSet>}
BusinessLogic.prototype.getRules = function ( rowChanges){
let ds = BusinessLogic.prototype.createAuditDataSet();
let tableOp= ds.tables["tableop"];
let added= new Set();
const row= r.getRow();
const t= row.table.name;
const kind = BusinessLogic.prototype.opCode(row);
const k= t+"#"+kind;
if (!added.has(k)) {
tableOp.newRow({tablename:t, opkind:kind});
let def= Deferred();
GetDataSpace.getStartingFrom(this.context, tableOp).
return def.promise();
* Evaluates a series of messages
* @param {BusinessLogicResult} result
* @param {DataAccess} conn Current connection having the transaction attached
* @param {boolean} post
* @returns {Promise<BusinessLogicResult>}
BusinessLogic.prototype.getChecks = function (result, conn, post) {
let def= Deferred();
try {
return def.promise();
* Extracts audit checks for every row change in input
* @param {DataTable} auditview
* @param {ObjectRow[]} changes
* @param {boolean} post
* @returns {ObjectRow[]} an array of auditview rows for each audit sp name
BusinessLogic.prototype.groupChecks = function (auditview,changes,post){
let audits = {};
changes.forEach(r=> {
let spName = this.getProcName(r, post);
if (audits[spName]) {
return; //already evaluated
let filterCheck = this.getProcFilter(r, post);
if (this.ruleFilter) {
filterCheck = q.and(filterCheck, this.ruleFilter);
audits[spName] = auditview.select(filterCheck)
.sort(function (a, b) { //sort by idaudit asc, idcheck asc
if (a.idaudit > b.idaudit) {
return 1;
if (a.idaudit < b.idaudit) {
return -1;
if (a.idcheck > b.idcheck) {
return 1;
if (a.idcheck < b.idcheck) {
return -1;
return 0;
return audits;
* Evaluates a series of messages
* @param {BusinessLogicResult} result
* @param {DataAccess} conn Current connection having the transaction attached
* @param {boolean} post
* @returns {Promise<BusinessLogicResult>}
BusinessLogic.prototype.getChecksAsync = async function (result, conn, post){
const def = Deferred();
/* {DataSet} */
let auditsDS = await this.auditsPromise;
//extracts only rules applying in this phase (pre/post)
/* {{objectRow[]}} */
let auditChecks= this.groupChecks(auditsDS.tables["auditcheckview"], this.rowChanges, post);
let logCalls = new Set();
let batchCommand= [];
let batchLen=0;
let overallInvoke=null;
/* {RowChange[]} */
let changes= [];
let numAudit=0;
//this construct is necessary to execute different batch serially
await this.rowChanges.reduce( async (previousResult,r)=>{
await previousResult;
let spName= this.getProcName(r,post);
if (!auditChecks[spName]){
return [];
let nChecks= auditChecks[spName].length;
if (nChecks===0){
return [];
let varName= this.driver.variableNameForNBits(numAudit, nChecks);
let sqlType = this.driver.sqlTypeForNBits(nChecks);
let rc = new RowChange(nChecks, r.getRow(),auditChecks[spName],varName,this.driver.colNameFromVarName(varName));
//this is an array of parameters required to invoke the check sp.
let parameters = this.parametersFor(auditsDS.tables["auditparameter"],rc,post);
//evaluates an hash to detect if the same call has already been queued
let proc_sign=spName+":";
parameters.forEach(p =>{
proc_sign+= p.name+"="+p.value+";";
if (logCalls.has(proc_sign)){ //call already queued
return [];
//let varDeclaration= this.driver.declareAndClearVariableForNBits(varName,nChecks);
//puts result in variable named varName, that at the end will go into a column named
parameters.splice(0,0, this.driver.createSqlParameter(undefined,'@res',varName,sqlType,true));
let slqCheckInvoke= this.driver.getSqlCallSPWithNamedParams({spName:spName,paramList:parameters,skipSelect:true});
let batch=this.driver.appendCommands(batchCommand);
//every batch must be executed in sequence, stopping on the first db error
await this.execCheckBatch(conn,changes,batch,result,post);
changes= [];
return [];
if (batchLen>0){ //same as before
let batch=this.driver.appendCommands(batchCommand);
await this.execCheckBatch(conn,changes,batch,result,post);
//reads missing data to fill messages from database
await this.refineMessages(conn, result.checks);
return result;
* Evaluate queries for business messages open substitutions calling setQuery and setCols
* @param {DataSet} d
* @param {BusinessMessage[]} results
* @return {Deferred}
BusinessLogic.prototype.refineMessages_evaluateQueries= async function(d, results){
return results.reduce(async (dummyMessage,bm)=>{
await dummyMessage;
//console.log("reducing businessmessage "+bm.msg);
return bm.openSubstitutions.reduce(async (dummySubst,o)=> {
//console.log(bm.msg+": reducing openSubstitutions "+o.tableName);
if (o.query) {
return "query already present";
await dummySubst;
let /*DataTable*/ t = d.tables[o.tableName];
if (!t){
try {
t = await this.dbDescriptor.createTable(o.tableName);
catch (err){
return err;
let /*DataTable*/ base=d.tables[o.fromTable];
try {
base = await this.dbDescriptor.createTable(o.fromTable);
catch (err){
return err;
if (base.key().length === 0 || t.key().length===0){
let postingT;
try {
postingT = await this.dbDescriptor.createTable(bm.r.table.tableForWriting());
catch (err){
return err;
if (base.key().length === 0 && postingT.key().length>0){
let absentColumns= postingT.key().filter(c=>base.columns[c]===undefined);
if (absentColumns.length===0){
//console.log("base key set to "+base.name+" from table "+postingT.name);
if (t.key().length === 0 && postingT.key().length>0){
let absentColumns= postingT.key().filter(c=>t.columns[c]===undefined);
if (absentColumns.length===0){
//console.log("t key set to "+t.name+" from table "+postingT.name);
let cols= [];
let /*jsDataQuery*/ query = this.getQuery(base,bm.r, t, cols);//fromT = base, toTable= t
if (query===undefined){ //empty query
//console.log("assigning true to o.error");
// results.push(new BusinessMessage({
// rowChange:bm.rowChange,post:bm.post,shortMsg:"Error in Business rule",
// longMsg:"Reference to table "+o.tableName+"."+o.field+" in rule "+
// bm.idRule+" "+bm.r.table.name+ " "+bm.idDetail+" is not valid.",canIgnore:false
// }));
let err="Reference to table "+o.tableName+"."+o.field+" in rule "+
bm.idRule+" on "+bm.r.table.name+ " id:"+bm.idDetail+" is not valid (missing key column).";
return err;
if (!t.columns[o.field]){ //empty query
//console.log("assigning true to o.error");
// results.push(new BusinessMessage({
// rowChange:bm.rowChange,post:bm.post,shortMsg:"Error in Business rule",
// longMsg:"Reference to table "+o.tableName+"."+o.field+" in rule "+
// bm.idRule+" "+bm.r.table.name+ " "+bm.idDetail+" is not valid.",canIgnore:false
// }));
let err="Reference to table "+o.tableName+"."+o.field+" in rule "+
bm.idRule+" on "+bm.r.table.name+ " id:"+bm.idDetail+" is not valid (missing column "+o.field+").";
return err;
//Sets query for all substitutions for that message on the same table
if (oo.tableName!== o.tableName || oo.fromTable !== o.fromTable || oo.query!==null) {
if (!t.columns[oo.field]){
oo.error=true; //t does not contain that field
return "Ok";
* Group all queries into SubstGroup
* @param {BusinessMessage[]} results
* @param {int} maxQueryLength max len for queries
* @return {SubstGroup[]}
BusinessLogic.prototype.refineMessages_groupQueries= function(results, maxQueryLength){
if (maxQueryLength===undefined){
maxQueryLength = this.maxQueryLength;
let subs = [];
results.forEach(bm =>{
if (bm.error) {
if (o.error || o.query===null) {
let found= subs.find(s=>{
return s.mergeQuery(o,maxQueryLength);
if (found===undefined){
let g = new SubstGroup(o.tableName);
g.mergeQuery(o,maxQueryLength); //surely returns true, because it is empty and on the same table
} );
return subs;
* Execute queries stored in grouped substitutions
* @param {SubstGroup[]} subs
BusinessLogic.prototype.refineMessages_executeQueries= async function(subs){
return await subs.reduce(async (dummy,s)=>{
await dummy; //executes query one at a time
s.data= await this.context.dataAccess.select({
filter: q.or(s.query),
columns: Array.from(s.queryCols).join(","),
environment: this.environment
return subs;
* Apply substitutions basing on data got in subs
* @param {SubstGroup[]} subs
* @param {BusinessMessage[]} msgs
* @return {*}
BusinessLogic.prototype.refineMessages_applySubstitutions= function(subs, msgs){
msgs.forEach(bm => {
bm.openSubstitutions.forEach(o => {
if (o.error){
o.newValue= "[bad reference to "+o.tableName+"."+o.field+"]";
else {
let somethingFound= subs.find(s=>{
if (!s.data){
return false;
if (s.tableName!==o.tableName) {
return false;
let rowFound= s.data.find(o.query);
if (!rowFound){
return false;
o.newValue = rowFound[o.field];
return true;
if (!somethingFound){
o.newValue="[row not found in table "+o.tableName+" with filter "+o.queryString+"]";
bm.setMessage(bm.msg.split(o.original).join(o.newValue)); //replaceAll is not supported in node.js 14
* returns a Deferred that resolves when f resolves or throw
* @param f
function fromAsyncToDeferred(f){
* Reads data from db in order to compile messages. Tries to optimize db access performing as little reads as possible
* @param {DataAccess} conn
* @param {BusinessMessage[]} results
* @return {Promise<BusinessMessage[]>}
BusinessLogic.prototype.refineMessages= async function (conn, results){
let allReads = new Set(); //hashes of already appended query
let d = new DataSet("rules");
//step 1: evaluate query to apply to calc all message fields
await this.refineMessages_evaluateQueries(d,results);
//step 2: group all queries
let subs = this.refineMessages_groupQueries(results, this.maxQueryLength);
//step 3: executes queries
await this.refineMessages_executeQueries(subs);
//step 4: apply substitutions
//= this.getQuery(base,bm.rowChange, t, cols);
* Evaluates a jsDataQuery to read data of toTable from database
* FromT is a table while toTable could be a view, so could not have a primary key
* @param {DataTable} fromT
* @param {DataRow} fromR
* @param {DataTable} toTable
* @param {Array.<string>} cols key columns and eventually ayear field if it belongs to table columns
* @return {jsDataQuery}
BusinessLogic.prototype.getQuery = function (fromT, fromR, toTable, cols){
let /*jsDataQuery*/ filter;
//Tries to complete toTable's key with the key of fromT if it exists
if (toTable.key().length ===0){
//console.log("setting key from "+fromT.name);
let newKey= fromT.key().reduce((/*string[]*/ keys, /*string*/keyField)=>{
if (!toTable.columns[keyField]){
//console.log("skipping "+keyField);
let clause=q.eq(keyField,fromR.current[keyField]);
filter = filter? q.and(filter,clause): clause;
//console.log("adding "+keyField+" from "+fromT.name);
if (toTable.columns["ayear"] && fromT.isKey("ayear")===false){
let clause=q.eq("ayear",this.environment.field("ayear"));
filter = filter? q.and(filter, clause): clause;
return filter;
let primaryKeyIncomplete=false;
if (! fromT.columns[k]){
//console.log("skipping 2 "+k+" from "+fromT.name);
let clause=q.eq(k,fromR.current[k]);
filter = filter? q.and(filter,clause): clause ;
//console.log("adding 2 "+k+" from "+fromT.name);
if (toTable.columns["ayear"] && primaryKeyIncomplete && fromT.isKey("ayear")===false){
filter = q.and(filter, q.eq("ayear",this.environment.field("ayear")));
return filter;
* Executes a batch and adds messages to results
* @param {DataAccess} conn
* @param {RowChange[]} checks
* @param {string} cmd
* @param {BusinessLogicResult} result used to push found errors
* @param {boolean} post
* @return {*}
BusinessLogic.prototype.execCheckBatch= async function (conn,
post) {
let mapNames= _.map(checks,c=>{
return {varName:c.varName,colName:this.driver.colNameFromVarName(c.varName)};
let sql = this.driver.appendCommands([cmd, this.driver.getSelectListOfVariables(mapNames)]);
try {
let res = await conn.runSql(sql); //returns an array of objects
//res is an object with a column for each var name contained in checks
if (res === undefined || res === null || res.length === 0) {
result.addDbError("Error invoking business logic\nNo result got from business logic", post);
let valueRead= res[0];
//converts results in messages
checks.forEach(c => {
let colName= this.driver.colNameFromVarName(c.varName);
//every column in the result relates to the RowChange having same index
if (valueRead[colName]===undefined){
result.addDbError("Error invoking business logic\ncolumn "+
colName+" has not been included in the result.", post);
/* {string} 01 sequence decoding the result*/
let bits = this.driver.getBitArray(valueRead[colName],c.nChecks);
catch (err) {
result.addDbError("Error invoking business logic\nRunning command +" + cmd + ".\n" + err, post);
* Takes error messages and append them to results
* @param {RowChange} rowChange
* @param {string} bits 01 representation of sp result
* @param {BusinessLogicResult} result set, messages are added to this list
* @param {boolean} post true if post message
* @return {*}
BusinessLogic.prototype.addMessages = function(rowChange,bits, result, post){
///static void EasyProcedureMessageCollection.DO_ADD_MESSAGES
for(let i=0; i<rowChange.nChecks; i++){
if (bits[i]==="1"){
let audit=rowChange.audits[i]; //row of auditcheckview
//pushes current message evaluated to the output list
//there can be more than one BusinessMessage attached to the same rowChange object
//every BusinessMessage has a list of open substitutions
result.addMessage(new BusinessMessage({
shortMsg: audit["title"],
longMsg: audit["message"],
canIgnore: audit["severity"].toLowerCase()==="w",
idDetail : audit["idcheck"],
idRule: audit["idaudit"],
environment: this.environment
* Evaluates the filter to obtain parameters for a audit call
* @param {DataRow} r
* @param {boolean} post
BusinessLogic.prototype.filterParameters = function (r,post){
return q.mcmpEq({
isprecheck: post?"N":"S"
* Establish if a field must be passed to Business audits
* @param {DataRow} r
* @param {string} colName
BusinessLogic.prototype.isTempAutoIncrement = function ( r, colName) {
if (r.state === DataRowState.added && r.table.autoIncrementColumns[colName]!==undefined) {
return true;
if (r.state !== DataRowState.added) {
return false;
let result= false;
if (result){
let colRelIndex = rParentRelation.childCols.indexOf(colName);
if (colRelIndex<0){
let parentRows = rParentRelation.getParents(r.current);
if (parentRows.length===0){
let parentRow=parentRows[0];
if (parentRow.getRow().state!== DataRowState.added){
result= this.isTempAutoIncrement(parentRow.getRow(), rParentRelation.parentCols[colRelIndex]);
return result;
* Returns a collection of (name, value) couples, evaluated basing on auditParameters
* @param {DataTable} auditParameters
* @param {RowChange} rc
* @param {boolean} post
* @returns {Array.<{name:string, value}>}
BusinessLogic.prototype.parametersFor = function (auditParameters, rc,post) {
/* {DataRow} */
let row = rc.r;
let filter = this.filterParameters(row, post);
/* Array.<{tablename:string, parameterid:int, paramtable:string, paramcolumn:string, flagoldvalue:string}> */
let pp = _.sortBy(auditParameters.select(filter), ["parameterid"]);
let result = [];
let that = this;
let namedParamSupported= this.driver.namedParameterSupported();
let pushOptionalParam = function (){
if (!namedParamSupported){
/** {tablename:string, parameterid:int, paramtable:string, paramcolumn:string, flagoldvalue:string} */
p => {
if (p.paramtable === "sys") {
let o;
if (p.paramcolumn.startsWith("sys_")) {
o = this.environment.sys(p.paramcolumn.substr(4));
else {
o = this.environment.sys(p.paramcolumn);
result.push(that.driver.createSqlParameter(o, '@'+p.paramcolumn));
if (p.paramtable === "usr") {
let o;
if (p.paramcolumn.startsWith("usr")) {
o = this.environment.usr(p.paramcolumn.substr(4));
else {
o = this.environment.usr(p.paramcolumn);
result.push(that.driver.createSqlParameter(o, '@usr_'+p.paramcolumn));
let newValueParameter = p.flagoldvalue.toUpperCase() !== "S";
let paramName = newValueParameter ? "@NEW" : "@OLD";
if (p.paramtable.toLowerCase() !== p.tablename.toLowerCase()) {
paramName += "_" + p.paramtable;
paramName += "_" + p.paramcolumn;
/*{DataRow} */
let relatedDataRow = rc.getRelated(p.paramtable);
if (relatedDataRow === null) {
let rowVer;
let rState = relatedDataRow.state;
if (rState === DataRowState.deleted) {
rowVer = DataRowVersion.original;
newValueParameter = false;
else {
rowVer = newValueParameter || (rState === DataRowState.added) ? DataRowVersion.current : DataRowVersion.original;
let foundColumn = BusinessMessage.prototype.findPostingColumn(relatedDataRow.table, p.paramcolumn);
if (foundColumn === null) {
if (newValueParameter && that.isTempAutoIncrement(relatedDataRow, foundColumn)) {
let paramValue= relatedDataRow.getValue(foundColumn, rowVer);
if (paramValue!==null){
result.push(that.driver.createSqlParameter(paramValue, paramName));
else {
return result;
* @class
* @param {string} field
* @param {string} tableName
* @param {string} original Table name.field as in original message
* @param {string} fromTable Table name of changed row
* @constructor
function OneSubst(field, tableName,original,fromTable){
* when true, substitution is wrong
* @property {boolean} error
this.tableName = tableName;
* %<table.field>% or %<field>%
* @property {string} original
this.original= original;
* string that will replace the "original" sequence in the message
* @property {string|null} newValue
this.newValue = null;
* Table name of changed row
* @property {string} fromTable
this.fromTable = fromTable;
* Field name
* @property {string} field
this.field= field;
* @property {string}
this.queryString= null;
* @property {jsDataQuery}
this.query= null;
* Columns present
* @property {Set<string>} queryCols
this.queryCols = new Set();
OneSubst.prototype = {
constructor: OneSubst,
* Sets the first query and puts the hash in a property
* @param {jsDataQuery} query
setQuery : function (query){
this.queryString = query.toString();
this.query = query;
* @param {string[]}cols
setCols : function (cols){
cols.forEach(c => this.queryCols.add(c));
* Groups a set of OneSubst
* @class
* @param {string} tableName
* @constructor
function SubstGroup(tableName){
* @property {string} tableName
this.tableName= tableName;
* @property {jsDataQuery[]} query
this.query = [];
* @property {Set<string>} querySet
this.querySet = new Set();
* @property {Set<string>} queryCols
this.queryCols = new Set();
* @property {ObjectRow[]} data
this.data = null;
SubstGroup.prototype = {
constructor: SubstGroup,
* adds a new query if it is on same table and it is not already present
* @param {OneSubst} subst
* @param {int} maxQueryLength
* @return {boolean} true if could merge
mergeQuery: function (subst,maxQueryLength){
return false;
if (subst.tableName!== this.tableName){
return false;
if (this.querySet.has(subst.queryString)){
return true;
if (this.querySize>=maxQueryLength){
return false;
if (this.querySize>0){
this.querySize+= subst.queryString.length;
subst.queryCols.forEach(c => this.queryCols.add(c));
return true;
* Represents a changed row with related information to display a message
* @class
* @param {int} nChecks number of checks applied to the row
* @param {DataRow} r DataRow being changed (added/modified/deleted)
* @param {ObjectRow[]} audits rows from auditcheckview related to this change
* @param {string} varName variable name used in stored procedure invocation
* @param {string} colName column name that will receive the result
* @constructor
function RowChange(nChecks,r,audits,varName,colName){
this.nChecks = nChecks;
* changed DataRow
* @property {DataRow} r
* @property {string} tableName
this.tableName = r.table.name;
this.varName = varName;
this.colName = colName;
/* {{DataRow}} dictionary of related rows*/
this.related = {};
this.hasBeenScanned = new Set();
RowChange.prototype = {
constructor: RowChange
* Get a DataRow related to the RowChange, in a given tablename
* @param {string} tableName
* @return {DataRow|undefined}
RowChange.prototype.getRelated = function(tableName){
let realName = this.r.table.tableForWriting();
if (realName=== tableName){
return this.r;
let related = this.related[tableName];
if (related){
return related;
return this.related[tableName];
* Fills related searching the specified table
* @param {string} tableName
* @return {*}
RowChange.prototype.searchRelated = function(tableName){
if (this.hasBeenScanned.has(tableName)){
let r=this._getRelatedRow(tableName);
* Searches a row in parent/child tables
* @param {string} relatedTableName
* @return {ObjectRow|null}
RowChange.prototype._getRelatedRowExactTable= function (relatedTableName) {
let related = this.r.getChildInTable(relatedTableName);
if (related.length === 1) {
return related[0];
related = this.r.getParentsInTable(relatedTableName);
if (related.length === 1) {
return related[0];
return null;
* Searches a row in parent/child tables
* @param {string} relatedTableName
* @return {ObjectRow|null}
RowChange.prototype._getRelatedRow= function (relatedTableName) {
let exact = this._getRelatedRowExactTable(relatedTableName);
if (exact){
return exact;
let result=null;
let that=this;
if (t.tableForWriting()===relatedTableName && t.name!== relatedTableName){
return (result!==null);
return result;
* A class able to save data invoking business rules
* @class BusinessPostData
* @augments PostData
* @method PostData
* @param {Context} context
* @constructor
function BusinessPostData (context){
/* {Context} */
this.context = context;
this.businessLogic= null;
BusinessPostData.prototype = _.extend(
new PostData(),
constructor: BusinessPostData,
superClass: PostData.prototype,
createBusinessLogicResult: function (){
return new BusinessLogicResult();
* @param ds
* @return {Promise<SinglePostData>}
init : function ( ds) {
return this.superClass.init.call(this, ds, this.context);
* This is meant to be replaced or overridden in derived classes
* @param {Context} context
* @param {ObjectRow[]} rowChanges
* @return {BusinessLogicResult}
getBusinessLogic : function (context, rowChanges){
let bl= new BusinessLogic(context, rowChanges);
return bl.auditsPromise
return bl;
module.exports = {
BusinessLogic: BusinessLogic,
SubstGroup: SubstGroup,