Source: src/edge-sql.js

/*globals require */
"use strict";


 * @property defer
 * @type {function}
const defer     = require("JQDeferred");
const _         = require('lodash');

module.exports = {
	isolationLevels: isolationLevels,
	objectify: simpleObjectify,
	EdgeConnection: EdgeConnection

 * Simplified objectifier having an array of column names for first argument
 * @private
 * @param {Array} colNames
 * @param {Array} rows
 * @returns {Array}
function simpleObjectify(colNames, rows) {
	var colLength = colNames.length,
		rowLength = rows.length,
		result = [],
		rowIndex = rowLength,
	while (--rowIndex >= 0) {
		value = {};
		row = rows[rowIndex];
		colIndex = colLength;
		while (--colIndex >= 0) {
			value[colNames[colIndex]] = row[colIndex];
		result[rowIndex] = value;
	return result;

 * Gets a  database connection
 * @param {string} connectionString
 * @param {string} driver  can be sqlServer or mySql
 * @constructor
function EdgeConnection(connectionString, driver) {	
	this.sqlCompiler = 'db';
	this.edgeHandler = null;
	this.driver = driver||'mySql';
	this.connectionString = connectionString;
	this.defaultTimeout= 30;

	//this.typeName="EdgeCompiler2";		//Startup
	//this.methodName="CompileFunc2";	//Invoke


 * transforms row data into plain objects
 * @method simpleObjectifier
 * @private
 * @param {string[]} colNames
 * @param {object[]}  row
 * @returns {object}
function simpleObjectifier(colNames, row) {
	let obj = {};
	_.each(colNames, function (value, index) {
		obj[value] = row[index];
	return obj;

 * Evaluates parameter to connect to database depending on the open/closed state of the connection.
 * If a connection is open, the handle of the open connection is used. Otherwise, a connectionString is provided.
 * @private
 * @returns {*}
EdgeConnection.prototype.getDbConn = function () {
	if (this.edgeHandler !== null) {
		return {handler: this.edgeHandler, driver: this.driver};
	return {connectionString: this.connectionString, driver: this.driver};

 * Opens the physical connection
 * @public
 * @methodo open
 * @returns {promise}  Returns a promise that is resolved when connection is established
 */ = function () {
	const def = defer(),
		that = this,
		edge      = require('edge-js'),
		 * Opens the phisical connection
		 * @method edgeOpenInternal
		 * @private
		 * @returns {promise}
		edgeOpenInternal = edge.func(this.sqlCompiler,
				source: 'open',
				connectionString: this.connectionString,
				cmd: 'open',
				driver: this.driver,
				//typeName:"EdgeCompiler",		//Startup
				//methodName:"CompileFunc"	//Invoke
	edgeOpenInternal({}, function (error, result) {
		if (error) {
		if (result) {
			//console.log("got handler "+result+" for "+that.connectionString);
			that.edgeHandler = result;
		console.log("shouldn't reach here");
		def.reject("shouldn't reach here");
	return def.promise();

 * Closes the phisical connection
 * @method edgeClose
 * @returns {*}
EdgeConnection.prototype.close = function () {
	let def = defer(),
		that = this,
		edge      = require('edge-js');

	if (this.edgeHandler===null) {
		//console.log("an EdgeConnection was found without an handler");
		return def;
	//console.log("closing  handler "+this.edgeHandler+" for "+this.connectionString);
	let	edgeClose = edge.func(this.sqlCompiler,
				handler: this.edgeHandler,
				source: 'close',
				cmd: 'close',
				driver: this.driver
	edgeClose({}, function (error) {
		if (error) {
			//console.log("error closing handler "+that.edgeHandler+" for "+that.connectionString+":"+error);
		//console.log("closed handler "+that.edgeHandler+" for "+that.connectionString);
		that.edgeHandler = null;
	return def.promise();

let nCommand =0;
 * Executes a sql command and returns all sets of results. Each Results is given via a notify or resolve
 * @method queryBatch
 * @param {string} query
 * @param {boolean} [raw] if true, data are left in raw state and will be objectified by the client
 * @param {int} [timeout=  this.defaultTimeout]
 * @returns {defer}  a sequence of {[array of plain objects]} or {meta:[column names],rows:[arrays of raw data]}
EdgeConnection.prototype.queryBatch = function (query, raw, timeout) {
	var edge      = require('edge-js'),
		edgeQuery = edge.func(this.sqlCompiler, _.assign({source: query,timeout:timeout||this.defaultTimeout}, this.getDbConn())),
		def = defer();
	//nextTick is necessary in order to run the sql function asyncronously, otherwise, cause of edge-js
	//  and mysql blocking nature, it starts notifying tables before the promise is actually returned
	//   causing data to be loss

	var that=this;
	process.nextTick(function () {
		//console.log("queryBatch "+query);
		let cc = nCommand;
		// if (that.edgeHandler === null) {
		// 	console.log("executing command  " + cc + "(" + that.edgeHandler + "):" + query);
		// }
		edgeQuery({}, function (error, result) {
			// console.log("receiving result  "+cc+"("+that.edgeHandler+")");
			// console.log(result);
			if (error) {
				def.reject(error + ' running ' + query);
				return def.promise();
			if (typeof result ==='object' && typeof  result.error === 'string'){
				def.reject(result.error + ' running ' + query);
				return def.promise();
			let i;
			for (i = 0; i < result.length - 1; i++) {
				if (raw) {
				else {
					def.notify(simpleObjectify(result[i].meta, result[i].rows));
			if (raw) {
			else {
				def.resolve(simpleObjectify(result[i].meta, result[i].rows));

	return def.promise();

 * Executes a series of sql update/insert/delete commands
 * @method updateBatch
 * @param {string} query
 * @param {int} [timeout=  this.defaultTimeout]
 * @returns {*}
EdgeConnection.prototype.updateBatch = function (query,timeout) {
	let  edge      = require('edge-js'),
		edgeQuery = edge.func(this.sqlCompiler, _.assign({source: query, cmd: 'nonquery',timeout:timeout||this.defaultTimeout},
		def = defer();
	edgeQuery({}, function (error, result) {
		if (error) {
	return def.promise();

 * Gets a table and returns each SINGLE row by notification. Could eventually return more than a table indeed
 * For each table read emits a {meta:[column descriptors]} notification, and for each row of data emits a
 *   if raw= false: {row:object read from db}
 *   if raw= true: {row: [array of values read from db]}

 * @method queryLines
 * @param {string} query
 * @param {boolean} [raw=false]
 * @param {number} [timeout=this.defaultTimeout]
 * @returns {*}
EdgeConnection.prototype.queryLines = function (query, raw,timeout) {
	let def = defer(),
		callback = function (data, extCallback) {
			if (data.resolve) {
				return {};
			if (data.meta){
				lastMeta = data.meta;
				if (!data.rows) def.notify(data);
			if (data.rows) {
				if (raw) {
					def.notify({row: data.rows[0]});
				} else {
					def.notify({row: simpleObjectifier(lastMeta, data.rows[0])});

			if (extCallback)extCallback();
			return {};
		edge      = require('edge-js'),
		edgeQuery = edge.func(this.sqlCompiler,
			_.assign({source: query, callback: callback, packetSize: 1,timeout:timeout||this.defaultTimeout},
	process.nextTick(function() {
		//console.log("queryLines "+query);
		edgeQuery({}, function (error, result) {
			if (error) {
				def.reject(error + ' running ' + query);
			if (result.length === 0) {
				return {};
			return {};
	return def.promise();

 * the "edgeQuery" function is written in c#, and executes a series of select.
 * If a callback is specified, data is returned separately as {meta} - {rows} - {meta} - {rows} .. notifications
 * in this case has sense the parameter packetSize to limit the number of rows returned in each {rows} packet
 * If a callback is not specified, data is returned as a series of {meta, rows} notifications
 * A field "set" is also attached to any packet in order to identify the result set
 * if raw==false and a table (array of plain objects) is returned, the "set" field is attached to that array

 * Gets data packets row at a time
 * @public
 * @method queryPackets
 * @param {string} query
 * @param {boolean} [raw=false]
 * @param {number} [packSize=0]
 * @param {number} [timeout=this.defaultTimeout]
 * @returns {*}
EdgeConnection.prototype.queryPackets = function (query, raw, packSize, timeout) {
	let def = defer(),
		packetSize = packSize || 0,
		currentSet = -1,
		callback = function (data, extCallback) {
			if (data.error) {
				//console.log("got error "+data.error+" running "+query);
				def.reject(new Error(data.error+" running "+query));
				return {};
			if (data.resolve) {
				return {};
			//meta is received for any new table, eventually with data
			if (data.meta) {
				currentSet += 1;
			data.set = currentSet;
			if (raw) {
			else {
				if (data.meta) { //meta when present is a list of column names
					lastMeta = data.meta;
				if (data.rows) {
					def.notify({rows: simpleObjectify(lastMeta, data.rows), set: currentSet});

			if (extCallback) extCallback();
			return {};
	let that = this;
	//nextTick is necessary in order to run the sql function asyncronously, otherwise, cause of edge-js
	//  and mysql blocking nature, it starts notifying tables before the promise is actually returned
	//   causing data to be loss
	process.nextTick(function () {
		//console.log("queryPackets "+query);
		let edge      = require('edge-js'),
			edgeQuery = edge.func(that.sqlCompiler, _.assign({source: query,
						callback: callback,
						packetSize: packetSize},

		edgeQuery({}, function (error) {
			if (error) {
				//console.log("error "+error+" running "+query);
				def.reject(error + ' running ' + query);
				return def.promise();
	return def.promise();

 * Runs a sql script, eventually composed of multiple blocks separed by GO lines
 * @public
 * @method run
 * @param {string} script
 * @param {number} [timeout=this.defaultTimeout]
 * @returns {*}
 */ = function (script,timeout) {
	let os = require('os'),
		//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
		lines = script.split(os.EOL),
		blocks = [],
		curr = '',
		first = true,
		that = this,
	for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
		s = lines[i];
		if (s.trim().toUpperCase() === 'GO') {
			curr = '';
			first = true;
		if (!first) {
			//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
			curr += os.EOL;
		curr += s;
		first = false;
	if (curr.trim() !== '') {

	let def = defer(),
		index = 0;

	function loopScript() {
		if (index === blocks.length) {
		} else {
			.done(function () {
				index += 1;
			.fail(function (err) {


	return def.promise();