/*globals ObjectRow,DataRelation,define,self,jsDataSet,jsDataQuery,appMeta,_,$,define */
* @module LocalResource
* @description
* Collection of the localized strings (for now it manages it language)
(function (appMeta,_,$) {
/** Detect free variable `global` from Node.js. */
let freeGlobal = typeof global === 'object' && global && global.Object === Object && global;
//const freeGlobal = freeExports && freeModule && typeof global === 'object' && global;
/** Detect free variable `self`. */
let freeSelf = typeof self === 'object' && self && self.Object === Object && self;
/** Used as a reference to the global object. */
let root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function('return this')();
/** Detect free variable `exports`. */
let freeExports = typeof exports === 'object' && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;
/** Detect free variable `module`. */
let freeModule = freeExports && typeof module === 'object' && module && !module.nodeType && module;
//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
/** Detect free variable `global` from Node.js or Browserified code and use it as `root`. (thanks lodash)*/
let moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports;
* @constructor LocalResource
function LocalResource() {
this.dictionary= null;
this.currLng = "it";
// default è italiano, il file italiano avrà sicuramente tutte le stringhe, poichè parto sempre da quello
// per inserire nuove costanti per le stringhe
LocalResource.prototype = {
constructor: LocalResource,
allLocalResources: {}, //shared between all instances of application
getLocalResource:function (language){
if (this.allLocalResources[language]){
return this.allLocalResources[language];
let resource = new LocalResource();
this.allLocalResources[language]= resource;
return resource;
* @method setLanguage
* @public
* @description Set the language for this instance of local resources
* @param {string} lng. language constant it for italian, en for english, fr: francaise etc..
setLanguage:function (lng) {
this.currLng = lng;
// creo il nome del prototipo a runtime senza cablare la switch così se aggiungo una lingua
// viene automaticamente presa
try {
let lbnSuffix = lng.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + lng.slice(1).toLowerCase();
if (appMeta){
//executed on client
this.dictionary = appMeta['localResource'+lbnSuffix]();
_.extend(this, appMeta['localResource'+lbnSuffix].prototype);
// localizza eventuali custom control con localizzazione custom
if (appMeta.toolBarManager) {
else {
//executed on server
this.dictionary = require("./../i18n/LocalResource"+lbnSuffix).resource;
} catch (e){
console.log("Language " + lng + " doesn't exist! Go to i18n folder and create the file localResource" + lng + ".js");
* Client function, only does some work on client environment
localizeCustomControls:function (lng) {
if (typeof appMeta === undefined || typeof $ === undefined){
$(appMeta.rootElement + " [data-custom-control] ")
.each(function(index, el) {
let ctrl = $(el).data("customController");
if (!ctrl) return;
if (!ctrl.localize) return;
* Common function
* @method getNoRowFound
* @public
* @param searchTableName
* @param mergedFilter
* @param listingType
* @return {*}
getNoRowFound:function (searchTableName, mergedFilter, listingType) {
let msg = this.getNoRowFound1(searchTableName);
msg += this.getNoRowFound2(mergedFilter);
msg += this.getNoRowFound3(listingType);
return msg;
* Common function
* @method getNoRowFound1
* @param searchTableName
* @return {*}
getNoRowFound1:function (searchTableName) {
return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('searchTableName', searchTableName, this.dictionary.noRowOnTable);
* Common function
* @param mergedFilter
* @return {string|*}
getNoRowFound2:function (mergedFilter) {
if (mergedFilter.length > 0) return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('mergedFilter', mergedFilter, this.filterWas);
return "";
* Common function
* @param listingType
* @return {string}
getNoRowFound3:function (listingType) {
if (listingType) return " - " + this.dictionary.listName + ": " + listingType + "'.\r\n";
return "";
* Common function
* @method
* @public
* @param searchTableName
* @param filter
* @param title
* @return {*}
getErrorListingTypeNull:function (searchTableName, filter, title ) {
return this.replaceWordsInPhrase({searchTableName : searchTableName, filter: filter, title:title}, this.dictionary.errorListingTypeNull);
* Common function
* @method
* @public
* @param searchTableName
* @return {*}
getErrorLoadingMetaData:function (searchTableName) {
return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('searchTableName', searchTableName, this.dictionary.errorLoadingMetaData);
getCommandExecutionError:function (command) {
return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('command', command, this.dictionary.commandExecutionError);
getEntityNotfound:function (unaliased, formTitle) {
return this.replaceWordsInPhrase({unaliased : unaliased, formTitle: formTitle}, this.dictionary.entityNotfound);
getGridControlTagWrong:function (gridTag, formTitle) {
return this.replaceWordsInPhrase({gridTag : gridTag, formTitle: formTitle}, this.dictionary.gridControlTagWrong);
getDeleteRowConfirm:function (tableName) {
return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('tableName', tableName, this.dictionary.deleteRowConfirm);
getCantUnlinkDataTable:function (sourceTableName, primaryTableName) {
return this.replaceWordsInPhrase({sourceTableName : sourceTableName, primaryTableName: primaryTableName}, this.dictionary.cantUnlinkDataTable);
getMissingTableDataSet:function (tableName) {
return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('tableName', tableName, this.dictionary.missingTableDataSet);
getMoreThenRow:function(tableName){return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('tableName', tableName, this.dictionary.moreThenRow);},
getGridDataNoValid:function (tableName) {
return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('tableName', tableName, this.dictionary.gridDataNoValid);
getCancelObjInsert:function (formTitle) {
return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('formTitle', formTitle, this.dictionary.cancelObjInsert);
getDeleteObjInsert:function (formTitle) {
return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('formTitle', formTitle, this.dictionary.deleteObjInsert);
getFormNoMainTreeView:function (formTitle) {return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('formTitle', formTitle, this.dictionary.formNoMainTreeView);},
getPressedInsertAndcopy:function () {return this.dictionary.copyPressedMsg;},
getInvalidData:function (tableName) {return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('tableName', tableName, this.dictionary.invalidData);},
// INIZIO messaggi per show last
getNoRowSelected:function (tableName) {return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('tableName', tableName, this.dictionary.noRowSelected);},
getRowSelectedDetached:function () {return this.dictionary.rowCouldBeDetached;},
getRowSelectedDetachedorDeleted:function () {return this.dictionary.rowCouldBeDetachedOrDeleted;},
createdByUser:function (user) {
if (user) return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('user', user, this.dictionary.createdByStr);
return "";
createdOn:function (time) {
if (time) return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('time', time, this.dictionary.createdOnStr);
return "";
onlyOn:function (time) {
if (time) return " " + this.dictionary.onDate + " " + time;
return "";
modifiedBy:function (user) {
if (user) return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('user', user, this.dictionary.modifiedByStr);
return "";
modifiedOn:function (time) {
if (time) return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('time', time, this.dictionary.modifiedOnStr);
return "";
getNumberOfRows:function (count) {
if (count === undefined || count === null) return "";
return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('count', count, this.dictionary.result);
getDoYuoWantModifyEventResize:function (eventTitle, endDate) {
var s1 = this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('eventTitle', eventTitle, this.dictionary.calendarEventResizeEnd);
return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('endDate', endDate, s1);
getDoYouWantModifyEvent:function (eventTitle, startDate, endDate) {
return this.replaceWordsInPhrase({eventTitle : eventTitle, startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate}, this.dictionary.calendarEventMoveEventQuestion);
getColumnNotInTable:function (cname) {
return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('cname', cname, this.dictionary.tableAttachNotAvailable);
getIsValidFieldMandatory:function (field) {
return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('field', field, this.dictionary.isValidFieldMandatory);
getIsValidFieldMaxLength:function (field, maxlenght) {
return this.replaceWordsInPhrase({field : field, maxlenght: maxlenght}, this.dictionary.isValidMaxLength);
getMinNumRowRequired:function (msg, numrows) {
return this.replaceWordsInPhrase({numrows : numrows, msg: msg}, this.dictionary.minNumrowRequired);
getUnValidMail:function (email) {
return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('email', email, this.dictionary.unvalidEMail);
getUnValidIp:function (ip) {
return this.replacePlaceolderLocalization('ip', ip, this.dictionary.unvalidIp);
getFilterDateString:function (startcolname, date1, date2) {
return this.replaceWordsInPhrase({startcolname : startcolname, date1: date1, date2:date2}, this.dictionary.filterDateString);
getPressSaveAfterDelete:function (valuecell) {
return this.replaceWordsInPhrase({valuecell : valuecell}, this.dictionary.pressSaveAfterDelete);
* translates jsDataQuery expression in a clearest mode
* @param filter
getFilterMessage:function(filter) {
\( : match parentesi aperta
( : inizio del gruppo all'interno delleparentesi
[^)]+: qualsiasi carattere uno o più ma non ")" parentesi chiusa
) : fine del gruppo
\) : matcth parentesi chiusa
// loop su tutte le condizioni trovate e costruice stringa.
// se è "eq" mette campo=valore se "like" campo simile
// expr ex: "eq(field, value),like(filed2,value)"
let self = this;
let conds = filter.match(/(eq|like)+\(([^)]+)\)/g);
return _.join(_.reduce(conds, function (acc, cond) {
const els = cond.match(/(eq|like)|\(([^)]+)\)/g);
const operator = els[0];
const fieldValue = els[1].replace("(", "").replace(")","").split(",");
acc.push("(" + fieldValue[0] + " " + self[operator] + " " + fieldValue[1] + ")");
return acc;
}, []),
" " + this.dictionary.and + " ");
* Replace each word placeholders in the input string . the placeholder is S%<word>%S
* @param {Object} objs key pair. with key and value to repalce on sInpunt
* @param {string} sInpunt. input string
* @returns {*}
replaceWordsInPhrase:function (objs, sInpunt) {
var self = this;
// prende la stringa di input e rimpiazza ogni volta la stringa
return _.reduce(objs, function (res, value, key) {
return self.replacePlaceolderLocalization(key, value, res);
}, sInpunt);
* Replaces placeholder in the string "stringToSearch"
* @param {string} placeholder the placeholder to search, senza %S
* @param {string} newValue new value tio insert
* @param {string} stringToSearch the string to search and to replace
* @returns {*}
replacePlaceolderLocalization:function(placeholder, newValue, stringToSearch){
return stringToSearch.replace('S%' + placeholder + '%S', newValue);
// FINE messaggi per show last
let localResource = LocalResource;
// Some AMD build optimizers like r.js check for condition patterns like the following:
//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (typeof define === 'function' && typeof define.amd === 'object' && define.amd) {
// Expose lodash to the global object when an AMD loader is present to avoid
// errors in cases where lodash is loaded by a script tag and not intended
// as an AMD module. See http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#mismatch for
// more details.
root.localResource = localResource;
// Define as an anonymous module so, through path mapping, it can be
// referenced as the "underscore" module.
//noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
define(function () {
return localResource;
// Check for `exports` after `define` in case a build optimizer adds an `exports` object.
else if (freeExports && freeModule) {
// Export for Node.js or RingoJS.
if (moduleExports) {
(freeModule.exports = localResource).localResource = localResource;
// Export for Narwhal or Rhino -require.
else {
freeExports.localResource = localResource;
else {
// Export for a browser or Rhino.
if (root.appMeta){
root.appMeta.localResource = localResource;
else {
(typeof appMeta === 'undefined') ? null : appMeta,
(typeof _ === 'undefined') ? require('lodash') : _,
(typeof $ === 'undefined') ? undefined : $
) );