/*global sqlFun,ObjectRow */
* @module GetDataInvoke
* @description
* Fakes client web service invocation of GetDataServices, in order to share metadata classes
const Deferred = require("./EventManager").Deferred;
const q = require('./jsDataQuery').jsDataQuery;
const getDataUtils = require("./GetDataUtils");
const logger = require('./Logger').logger ;
const logType = require('./Logger').logTypeEnum;
const model = require('./MetaModel').metaModel;
const _ = require('lodash');
const utils = require("./utils").utils;
const mSel = require('./../../../src/jsMultiselect');
const Select = mSel.Select;
const GetDataSet = require("./GetDataSet");
const GetData = require("./../../../src/jsGetData");
const {orderBy} = require("lodash");
const jsDataSet = require("./jsDataSet");
const {readFile} = require("fs/promises");
const path = require("path");
function SelectBuilder(){
/*DataTable*/ this.table = null;
/*string*/ this.top = null;
/*string*/ this.tableName = null;
/*sqlFun*/ this.filter = null;
SelectBuilder.prototype = {
constructor: SelectBuilder
* Exposes server web services as local functions so that code can use them seemingly
* @constructor GetDataInvoke
* @param {Context} ctx
function GetDataInvoke(ctx) {
/*Context*/ this.ctx = ctx;
/*DataAccess*/ this.conn= ctx.dataAccess;
/*Environment*/ this.env=ctx.environment;
/*DbDescriptor*/ this.dbDescriptor = ctx.dbDescriptor;
this.getMeta = ctx.getMeta;
GetDataInvoke.prototype = {
constructor: GetDataInvoke,
* @method readCached
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Reads all cached tables
* @param {DataSet} d
* @returns {Deferred}
readCached: function (d) {
/* {filter:sqlFun, top:string, table:DataTable}[] */
let selectList = [];
let that = this;
const allPromises = [];
function (t) {
if (!model.cachedTable(t)) return;
if (!model.canRead(t)) return;
allPromises.push(that.doGetTable(t, null, true, null, selectList));
return Deferred("readCached").from(
.then(function () {
if (selectList.length === 0) return false;
return that.multiRunSelect(selectList)
.then(function () {
function (sel) {
return true;
* @method doGetTable
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Gets a DataTable with an optional set of Select. If a list of select is given, adds a select in selectList
* @param {DataTable} t DataTable to Get from DataBase
* @param {sqlFun} filter
* @param {boolean} clear if true table is cleared before reading
* @param {string} top parameter for "top" clause of select
* @param {Array.<filter:sqlFun, top:string, table:DataTable>} selectList
* @returns {Deferred}
doGetTable: function (t, filter, clear, top, selectList) {
let def = Deferred("doGetTable");
// log per controllo se il filtro di tipo mcmp non è su colonne presenti sulla tabella.
let columnFilterInTable = function (t, f) {
if (!t || !f) return true;
if (f.myName === "mcmp") {
return _.every(f.myArguments[0], function (c) {
return !!t.columns[c];
return true;
if (!columnFilterInTable(t, filter)) {
// console.warn("warning: doGetTable: Table t " + t.name + " misses some filtered columns", filter);
return def.resolve(false);
if (!model.canRead(t)) return def.resolve(false);
let that = this;
if (clear) {
let mergedFilter = t.staticFilter();
if (filter && mergedFilter) {
mergedFilter = q.and(filter, mergedFilter);
mergedFilter.isTrue = filter.isTrue;
else {
mergedFilter = filter ? filter : mergedFilter;
let mySel = null;
let doGetResult = true;
return def.from(
utils._if(selectList !== undefined)
._then(function () {
mySel = {
filter: mergedFilter,
top: top,
table: t
doGetResult = mySel;
return true; //new Deferred("doGetTable").resolve().promise();
._else(function () {
return that.runSelectIntoTable(t, mergedFilter, top);
.then(function () {
if (mergedFilter === null || mergedFilter === undefined || mergedFilter.isTrue) {
model.setAsRead(t); //table has been read fully
if (!selectList) model.getTemporaryValues(t);
return doGetResult;
* @method getRowsByFilter
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Returns the Rows from the DataTable "table" based on the clause "filter"
* @param {sqlFun} filter
* @param {boolean} multiCompare
* @param {DataTable} table
* @param {string} top
* @param {boolean} prepare
* @param {Array.<filter:sqlFun, top:string, table:DataTable>} [selList]
* @returns {Deferred}
getRowsByFilter: function (filter, multiCompare, table, top, prepare, selList) {
let def = Deferred('getRowsByFilter');
if (!model.canRead(table)) return def.resolve().promise();
let mergedFilter = table.staticFilter();
if (filter !== null && filter !== undefined) {
if (mergedFilter) {
mergedFilter = q.and(filter, mergedFilter);
else {
mergedFilter = filter;
let that = this;
let res = utils._if(selList !== undefined)
._then(function () {
selList.push({filter: mergedFilter, top: top, table: table});
._else(function () {
return that.runSelectIntoTable(table, mergedFilter, top);
.then(function () {
return true;
return def.from(res).promise();
* @method selectCount
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Gets the rows count of the "tableName" filtered on "filter"
* @param {string} tableName
* @param {sqlFun} filter
* @returns {Deferred}
selectCount: function (tableName, filter) {
return this.conn.selectCount({tableName: tableName, filter: filter, environment: this.env});
* @method runSelect
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Returns a deferred DataTable where the rows are select on "tableName" filtered on "filter". If "columnList" is "*" it returns all columns,
* otherwise only those specified in "columnList".
* If top is specified it returns only a max of "top" rows, otherwise it returns all the rows.
* @param {string} tableName
* @param {string} columnList
* @param {sqlFun} filter
* @param {string} [top]
* @returns {Deferred<DataTable>}
runSelect: function (tableName, columnList, filter, top) {
let def = Deferred('runSelect');
let res = this.conn.select({
tableName: tableName,
columns: columnList,
top: top,
filter: filter,
environment: this.env,
return def.from(res).promise();
* @method addRowToTable
* @public
* @description SYNC
* Adds a copy of the row "r" to the DataTable "t", and returns the linked DataRow
* @param {DataTable} t
* @param {ObjectRow} r
* @returns {ObjectRow}
addRowToTable: function (t, r) {
let newRow = t.newRow();
let oldTable = r.getRow().table;
_.forEach(t.columns, function (c) {
if (oldTable.columns[c.name]) {
newRow[c.name] = r[c.name];
return newRow;
* Executes a bunch of select, based on "selectList". Not much different from a multiple runSelectIntoTable
* @method multiRunSelect
* @public
* @param {Array.<filter:sqlFun, top:string, table:DataTable>} selectList
* @returns {Deferred}
multiRunSelect: function (selectList) {
if (selectList.length === 0) {
logger.log(logType.WARNING, "You are calling multiRunSelect with selectList empty");
return Deferred("multiRunSelect").resolve().promise();
let adaptedList = selectList.map(sel =>
new Select(model.columnNameList(sel.table))
return this.conn.multiSelect({selectList: adaptedList, environment: this.env})
* @param {{tableName: string, set: number, rows : object[]}} data
function (data) {
//data is an object:
// data mi aspetto sia un DataTable
// recupero il dataTable da riempire dalla lista di input
let destTableArr = _.filter(selectList, sel => sel.table.tableForReading() === data.tableName);
if (destTableArr.length > 0) {
let destTable = destTableArr[0].table;
let tableWasEmpty = (destTable.rows.length === 0);
destTable.mergeArray(data.rows, !tableWasEmpty);
//getDataUtils.mergeRowsIntoTable(destTable, data.rows, !tableWasEmpty);
function () {
// vanno serializzate le chiamate alle sel.onRead(), ove siano definite
let allDeferredOnRead = utils.filterArrayOnField(selectList, 'onRead');
return utils.thenSequence(allDeferredOnRead);
* @method runSelectIntoTable
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Reads a set of rows in a given DataTable "t" based on clause "filter"
* @param {DataTable} t
* @param {sqlFun} filter. The filter to apply to the select
* @param {string} top. Max num of rows to read
* @returns {DataTable} The table with the rows read
runSelectIntoTable: function (t, filter, top) {
let def = Deferred("runSelectIntoTable");
let res = this.runSelect(t.tableForReading(), model.columnNameList(t), filter, top)
.then(function (rows) {
//merges rows into t
t.mergeArray(rows, t.rows.length !== 0);
//getDataUtils.mergeRowsIntoTable(t, dt.rows, t.rows.length !== 0);
return def.resolve(t);
return def.from(res).promise();
* @method createTableByName
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Creates and returns a DataTable "tableName" with the specified columns
* @param {string} tableName
* @param {string} columnList
* @returns {Deferred<DataTable>}
createTableByName: function (tableName, columnList) {
let def = Deferred('createTableByName');
let res = this.dbDescriptor.createTable(tableName);
return def.from(res).promise();
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tableName">string</param>
/// <param name="listType">string</param>
/// <returns>string[]</returns> an array of 2 strings. At the first position the new tableName, at the second the new listType
* Executes the mapping of tableName and listType on "web_listredir" table taking a new tableName
* (usually a custom view) and a new listType
* @param {string} tableName
* @param {string} listType
* @return {Deferred<string[]>}
getMappingWebListRedir: function (tableName, listType) {
let def = Deferred('getMappingWebListRedir');
let standardMap = [tableName, listType];
tableName: tableName,
filter: q.and(q.eq("tablename", tableName), q.eq("listtype", listType)),
environment: this.env,
columns: "newtablename,newlisttype"
.then(rows => {
if (rows.length === 0) {
let map = rows[0];
def.resolve([map["newtablename"], map["newlisttype"]]);
.fail(err => {
return def.promise();
* @method getPagedTable
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Returns the rows paginated of the DataTable "tableName".
* The rows are filtered based on clause "filter"
* @param {string} tableName
* @param {number} nPage
* @param {number} nRowPerPage
* @param {sqlFun} filter
* @param {string} listType
* @param {string} sortBy
* @returns {Deferred<DataTable>}
getPagedTable: function (tableName, nPage, nRowPerPage, filter, listType, sortBy) {
let def = Deferred('getPagedTable');
let newTableName;
let newListType;
let dtOriginal;
let meta;
let aborted = false;
let totPages;
let totalRows;
let res = this.getMappingWebListRedir(tableName, listType)
.then(map => {
newTableName = map[0];
newListType = map[1];
return this.dbDescriptor.createTable(newTableName);
.then(table => {
if (aborted) return;
dtOriginal = table;
if (_.keys(dtOriginal.columns).length === 0) {
def.reject("Table/view " + tableName + " is not configured in columntypes");
aborted = true;
meta = this.getMeta(newTableName);
if (!sortBy) {
let sortMeta = meta.getSorting(newListType);
if (sortMeta) {
sortBy = sortMeta;
else {
if (table.columns.title) {
sortBy = "title";
else {
sortBy = _.keys(table.columns)[0];
let staticFilter = meta.getStaticFilter(newListType);
if (staticFilter) {
filter = q.and(filter, staticFilter);
return this.conn.selectCount({tableName: newTableName, filter: filter, environment: this.env});
.then(totRows => {
if (aborted) return;
totalRows = totRows;
totPages = Math.ceil(totRows / nRowPerPage);
let sql;
if (totPages < 2 || !sortBy) {
sql = this.conn.getSelectCommand({
tableName: newTableName,
columns: "*",
filter: filter,
environment: this.env
else {
let firstRow = (nPage - 1) * nRowPerPage + 1;
sql = this.conn.sqlConn.getPagedTableCommand(newTableName,
this.conn.getFormatter().toSql(filter, this.env),
return this.conn.runSql(sql);
.then(data => {
if (aborted) return;
if (!data) {
aborted = true;
def.reject("Query error:" + filter.toString());
if (dtOriginal.key().length === 0) {
dtOriginal.loadArray(data.rows, false);
def.resolve(dtOriginal, totPages, totalRows);
.fail(err => {
return def.promise();
* @method getDsByRowKey
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Fills the dataSet starting from a table
* @param {DataRow} dataRow
* @param {DataTable} table primaryTable
* @param {string} [editType] used to retrieve a DataSet. If not specified, table.dataset is used
* @returns {Deferred<DataSet>}
getDsByRowKey: function (dataRow, table, editType) {
let def = Deferred('getDsByRowKey');
if (!model.canRead(table)) return def.resolve(null);
if (_.some(table.key(), cname => dataRow.current[cname] === undefined)) {
def.reject("Table view " + dataRow.table.name + " has different column key name respect to " + table.name);
let filter = table.keyFilter(dataRow.current);
let ds = table.dataset;
if (editType) {
ds = this.createEmptyDataSet( table.name, editType);
if (filter !== null && table.staticFilter()) {
filter = q.and(filter, table.staticFilter());
GetData.fillDataSetByFilter(this.ctx, ds.tables[table.name], filter)
.then(result => {
err => {
return def.promise();
* @method getByKey
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Returns a deferred with the DataRow of the table, filtered based on the keys of the DataTable "table", where the values are those of "row"
* @param {DataTable} table
* @param {DataRow} row
* @returns {Deferred<DataRow>}
getByKey: function (table, row) {
let def = Deferred('getByKey');
let filter = table.keyFilter(row.current);
let res = this.runSelect(table.name, "*", filter)
.then(function (dt) {
if (!dt) return def.resolve(null);
if (dt.rows.length === 0) return def.resolve(null);
return def.resolve(dt.rows[0].getRow());
return def.from(res).promise();
* @method getDataSet
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Returns a deferred resolved with jsDataSet based on "tableName" and "editType" keys
* @param {string} tableName
* @param {string} editType
* @returns {DataSet})
getDataSet: function (tableName, editType) {
return GetDataSet.getDataSet(tableName, editType);
* @method createEmptyDataSet
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Returns a deferred resolved with jsDataSet based on "tableName" and "editType" keys
* @param {string} tableName
* @param {string} editType
* @returns Promise<DataSet>
createEmptyDataSet: function (tableName, editType) {
return GetDataSet.createEmptyDataSet(this.ctx, tableName, editType);
* @method prefillDataSet
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Returns a deferred resolved with the DataSet. It loads data from cached DataTable, based on "staticfilter" property
* @param {jsDataSet} dsTarget
* @param {string} tableName
* @param {string} editType
* @returns {Deferred<DataSet>})
prefillDataSet: function (dsTarget, tableName, editType) {
let def = Deferred("prefillDataSet");
// costruisco coppie chiave valore, poi lo serializzo facendo un json
/* {filter:sqlFun, top:string, table:DataTable}[] */
let selectTable = [];
t => {
if (model.cachedTable(t)) {
selectTable.push({filter: t.staticFilter(), top: null, table: t});
return this.multiRunSelect(selectTable)
return dsTarget;
* @method fillDataSet
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Reads and fills from the server the DatSet with tableName.editType, filters it on "filter" and merges it into dsTarget.
* Returns a deferred resolved with the DataSet merged.
* @param {DataSet} dsTarget
* @param {string} tableName
* @param {string} editType
* @param {sqlFun} filter
* @returns {Deferred<DataSet|string>}
fillDataSet: function (dsTarget, tableName, editType, filter) {
let def = Deferred("fillDataSet");
let res = GetData.fillDataSetByFilter(this.ctx, dsTarget.tables[tableName],filter);
return def.from(res).promise();
* @method doGet
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Returns a deferred resolved with a DataSet. The dataSet is the "ds" merged with the dataset filtered on the datarow values.
* @param {DataSet} ds
* @param {DataRow} dataRow
* @param {string} primaryTableName
* @param {boolean} onlyPeripherals
* @returns {Deferred}
doGet: function (ds, dataRow, primaryTableName, onlyPeripherals) {
let def = Deferred("doGet");
let /*DataTable*/ primaryTable = ds.tables[primaryTableName];
let res = GetData.doGet(this.ctx, primaryTable, onlyPeripherals, dataRow);
return def.from(res).promise();
* @method doGetTableRoots
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Gets some row from a datatable, with all child rows in the same table
* @remarks it was DO_GET_TABLE_ROOTS() in TreViewDataAccess
* @param {DataTable} table
* @param {jsDataQuery} filter
* @param {boolean} clear
doGetTableRoots: function (table, filter, clear) {
let def = Deferred('doGetTableRoots');
if (!model.canRead(table)) return def.resolve(false);
let res = this.doGetTable(table, filter, clear, null);
return def.from(res).promise();
* @method describeColumns
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* @param {DataTable} table
* @param {string} listType
* Calls the describeColumns server side method on "tableName" and "listType"
* @returns {Deferred<DataTable>}
describeColumns: function (table, listType) {
let def = Deferred('describeColumns');
let meta = this.getMeta(table.name);
let res= meta.describeColumns(table,listType)
return def.from(res).promise();
* @method describeTree
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* @param {DataTable} table
* @param {string} listType
* Calls the describeTree server side method on "tableName" and "listType"
* @returns {Deferred<DataTable>}
describeTree: function (table, listType) {
let def = Deferred('describeTree');
let meta = this.getMeta(table.name);
let res= meta.describeTree(table,listType);
return def.from(res).promise();
* @method getSpecificChild
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Gets a row from a table T taking the first row by the filter
* startCondition AND (startfield like startval%)
* If more than one row is found, the one with the smallest startfield is
* returned. Used for AutoManage functions. and treevewmanger
* @param {DataTable} table
* @param {sqlFun} startCondition
* @param {string} startValueWanted
* @param {string} startFieldWanted
* @returns {Deferred<ObjectRow>}
getSpecificChild: function (table, startCondition, startValueWanted, startFieldWanted) {
let def = Deferred("getSpecificChild");
let filter = q.and(startCondition, q.like(startFieldWanted, startValueWanted));
let res = this.getData.getByFilter(this.ctx, table, filter, orderBy)
.then(/*DataRow[]*/ rows=>{
if (rows.length === 0){
return null;
if (rows.length === 1){
return rows[0];
return null;
return def.from(res).promise();
* @method launchCustomServerMethod
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Launches a post call to the server with eventName that is the method custom to call, and with custom "prms"
* @param {string} method
* @param {object} prms
* @returns {Deferred}
launchCustomServerMethod: function (method, prms) {
let def = Deferred('launchCustomServerMethod');
switch (method){
default: def.reject(method + "is not a supported custom server method")
return def.promise();
* @method doReadValue
* @public
* @description ASYNC
* Returns a single value from a table based on filter. "select value from tableName where filter"
* @param {string} tableName
* @param {sqlFun} filter
* @param {sqlFun} expr
* @param {string} orderBy
* @returns {Deferred}
doReadValue: function (tableName, filter, expr, orderBy) {
let def = Deferred('doReadValue');
let res = this.conn.readSingleValue({
expr:expr, //attenzione che qui è cambiata la convenzione, ora è sqlFun prima era string
return def.from(res).promise();
module.exports = GetDataInvoke;